ITEM FIRST: Former CHS Athletic Director tells me that this is the 100th year of Clairton Football. We have talked about the Bears in the past and how the mascot name has changed over the years, from The Orange, to the Cobras (my personal favorite) to the Bears. Jim can be reached on Facebook. He is trying to put together the "Top 100" players in CHS football history. Four "must be" on that list are the three All Americans, Andy Berchock (University of North Carolina), Jim Kelly (Notre Dame), and Tyler Boyd (Pitt), and the "Little General" who set nearly every record in the Canadian Football League, Ron Lancaster (Wittenberg College).
A few others who come to mind are Jay Huffman (Penn State), Judge Dickson (Minnesota), Ken Stilley (Notre Dame) and Joe Belland (Arizona State). Please email me others you might think should be included in Jim's list.
ITEM SECOND: The Bears continued their streak of 64 consecutive wins by spanking Chartiers-Houston 35-0, nearly half of which have been by shutouts. Let's continue to support our high school team. Follow them on Facebook.
ITEM THIRD: The University of Pittsburgh Panthers looked more like the Kittanning Kittens against the Florida State team. Five of our Bears currently play for Pitt. None were used as much as they could have been, particularly Tyler Boyd who ended up with a few spectacular play. A few more to him, or to #88, Kevin Witherspoon could have made the game much more competitive. The other Killer T's played on defense but not enough to make a difference. Note to the Pitt Coaching Staff: Use your proven winners to create a winner.
ITEM LAST: Don't forget to get a copy of my book, "50 Shades of Grades, My Journey Through Wacademia." It is available in both electronic and print editions at, Barnes and and on my web site at where you can order a signed copy. The book has gotten rave reviews. I hope you enjoy it.
A little blogging music Maestro, "School Daze" by Lawless.
Dr. Forgot
aka Andy Nixon
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friends, Romans, and Countrymen, lend me your ears. (Seems I've forgotten mine)
Ok, ok, enough of the Caesarian punny humor, I have an announcement to make:
My first book (not counting my Doctoral dissertation from 35 years ago) has been published and is available on, Barnes and Nobel, and Kindle. You can find it by searching by title and author - Andrew Nixon, 50 Shades of Grades, My Journey Through Wacademia. The new web site is:
Please visit the web site.
My plans are to move the entries from this blog space to my new blog space. Eventually I plan to write a book about the topics covered in this blog, as well as an historical novel based on the lives of my four immigrant grandparents.
So stay in touch.
A little blogging music Maestro, another time with "Writer's Block" by Just Jack.
Dr Forgot
Dr Forgot
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A little blogging music Maestro, "Writer's Block" by Just Jack
Dr Forgot
Thursday, May 30, 2013
A Guest Post by Noted Author Deb Dorchak
Deb Dorchak and Wendi Kelly are authors of Loyalties, the first a four-part series of novels (Bonds of Blood & Spirit) that will keep you awake nights because you'll be unable to put the books down. They have helped me turn my first manuscript into a book that should be out this summer. From the Facebook posting of their Blue Sun Studio Inc page comes the following. Read and enjoy, and follow them on FB. Then, DREAM BIG!
If You’re Gonna Dream, Dream Big

From the opening scene in Loyalties where Regina is driving through the streets of Philadelphia in her black Trans Am, with the radio blaring Bad Company’s Running With The Pack, Wendi and I had (and still have) a dream of seeing the Bonds of Blood & Spirit saga up on the silver screen. Hell, what author doesn’t these days?
When we write, we write in cinematic Technicolor all the way. Our focus is visually driven. Maybe it’s from Wendi’s roots in directing plays for so many years, or maybe it’s my love of good movies, or maybe we’re just artists who paint pictures with words. We see our stories as films playing out in our heads and dreams.
Our characters are inspired by the celebrity faces we see, by their personalities on and off the screen. Woe be unto the director and producers who have to deal with us when it comes time for casting. We have our Dream Cast all laid out and waiting. There’s enough pretty going on there to make your mouth water and your head spin.
One thing we’ve learned over the years is that when you dream, when you put your goals in writing and declare it to the Universe, strange things happen. You get what you ask for.
No, I’m not saying we got a movie deal, or even that our series was picked up by HBO, or by a big publishing house. We haven’t joined the esteemed company of True Blood, Deadwood, Game of Thrones or Carnivale…yet.
What has happened is we’ve been placed two degrees away from one of the stars in our Dream Cast. It came about something like this…
A year ago, my Mom started working at Las Vegas’ premier cultural hot spot, The Smith Center for The Performing Arts. She’s an usher, and a very good one, so if you’re ever attending a performance there, be sure to say “hi” to the lovely blonde woman helping you find your seat.
One of her co-workers is Andy Nixon. Andy had a manuscript. He had a dream to get his book published. Mom said, hey, my daughter can help you with that, and that’s how Wendi and I met Andy “Dr. Forgot” Nixon (you’ll have to buy his book, 50 Shades of Grades: My Journey Through Wackademia when it’s published this summer to find out how he got that name…and yes, he really is a PhD).
Trivia Note: Andy also has a cat, named Casanova, and like our own Harrison “Casanova” McLeod, has black hair (ok, technically it’s fur on the cat, but that would have made for an awkward sentence, and still kinda does, but you get the idea) and beautiful green eyes….not exactly relevant to the story here, but just one of those little coincidences that tickles me to no end.
So, a few weeks ago during one of our discussions about Andy’s project, Andy said, “In case you have time during your busy day to watch Criminal Minds, Matt Gubler who plays Dr. Reid, is doing a benefit at the Las Vegas Country Club tonight. We are going because his Mom and I go way back as friends—before there was a little Matt Gubler.”
That just about blew my mind. Matt Gubler?? Seriously? Matt is our pick on the Dream Cast for the role of Josh “Runt” Punter, a tech geek wolf who started out as part of Ramon Esteban’s Vampire crew and proved himself to be quite the little hero. Runt won a place in the Pack’s heart, as well as those of our fans’, and ended up having a more prominent role in the Pack than Wendi and I first anticipated.
We love Runt, and we love Matt. And we love Andy, because he’s graciously agreed to get a copy of Loyalties into Matt’s hands. Now all that remains is what to write to Matt without sounding like star-struck fangirls. Or maybe we’ll just point him to this post and let the book speak for itself?
No worries though, we’re writers first and foremost and we’ll come up with something. No idea where this will go, but it’ll be interesting to find out. I think Wendi and I would be over the moon if Matt reads Loyalties and gave us some feedback on it. It would be cool to get that from a professional director.
In other news, book three, Reclamations, is rolling ahead at full steam. Our focus has shifted from the bountiful client work over the past couple of months to getting the last two books out. We’re almost done with the final editing and moving rapidly toward layout and production. You’ll have the next book sometime in July, with the fourth book, Legacies not too far behind.
Until then, we thank you for all the lovely reviews for Uncivil Wars, and if you haven’t read that or Loyalties yet—what are you waiting for? Get caught up now! The summer’s only just begun and you definitely want the Bonds of Blood & Spirit saga on your summer reading list!
Become part of the Pack on Facebook, or click here to sign up for our newsletter, The Inspired Studio, and stay up to date on all the latest news for The Saga and other happenings around theBlue Sun Studio network.
How about you? Are you looking forward to Reclamations as much as we are? As Packmates, what would you want to say to Matt Gubler? Got questions you’d like to ask Wendi and I?” Tell us about it in the comments here on the fan site, we’d love to hear from you!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Alumni and Others Come Through
Clairton High School. My alma mater and the alma mater of some of the most generous people in the world. Just how generous are they? Well, first let's take a look at the community and the school. In its heyday Clairton's population pressed toward the 30,000 mark and Clairton High School had so many students that it spawned several other schools in the area to be built and take the overload. The last such school was Thomas Jefferson High School boult on Old Clairton Road. Their first class of juniors came from the CHS sophomore class that would graduate in 1960. Thus, the first TJ graduating class in 1960 had begun their academic career at Clairton.
As times changed, populations moved, and steel mills, the lifeblood of the valley, closed, TJ prospered and Clairton's numbers declined. The city continues to lose population - currently the population barely is above 5,000 - and the high school graduating class hovers around 50 students. Pretty bleak The same fate has occurred up and down the Mon (Monongahela) River in most of the once-prosperous mill towns.
But Clairton is different. No, seriously, it really is. That is not just the Chamber of Commerce talking, it really is! I can prove it. Let's take the mighty Bear football team. Yes, they dropped from the big boy multiple "A" competition to single "A" and are perhaps the smallest school in that division, but the senior class who is about to graduate lost only one game - the first one they played as freshman. That sent them on a record setting tear of three consecutive state titles and more WPIAL titles than you can shake a stick at, and national record 63 consecutive wins. They did this with a smaller budget and a fraction of the coaching staff than some of their competitors (read "victims"). When there was no money for capes to keep them warm in the winter, of new jerseys, or victory rings, alumni from around the country rallied to donate to their cause. That's just the way CHS alumni roll.
So we know they can run, kick, and pass, but what else can the CHS students do?
Each year California State University, PA holds a region wide Robotics competition. Schools of every shape, size, and persuasion from all over Western PA compete. It is a big deal. The winners get to go to national competition which this year is held in Indianapolis, Indiana. The CHS Robotics team blew away the competition and qualified for the national competition in Indy, but the cost, even after trimming the budget by renting a van and driving the entire team was $5,000.
CHS students, faculty, and community began a fund-raising drive to earn the money but it was slow going. With a week left to the competition the goal was less than 1/3 met. So another Clairton clarion call went out to friends and alumni of the school. Newspaper articles were written, emails were sent, and in this space a plea was issued. According to Mary Niederberger who wrote a story of Clairton High School's plight, "The students fundraising had stalled at about $1,400 late last week. But after an article about their plight in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Saturday, more than 100 individuals have sent checks to the team, creating a $30,000 pot, enough to cover the costs of travel to the competition and plenty of extra money for spare parts that are generally needed for replacement during the competitions."
Bravo to everybody who contributed. As we all used to sing during our own high school days, "It's Clairton High School, It's Clairton High School, the pride of every student here...."
A little blogging music, Maestro, "The Clairton High School Alma Mater," played by the CHS band.
Dr. Forgot
As times changed, populations moved, and steel mills, the lifeblood of the valley, closed, TJ prospered and Clairton's numbers declined. The city continues to lose population - currently the population barely is above 5,000 - and the high school graduating class hovers around 50 students. Pretty bleak The same fate has occurred up and down the Mon (Monongahela) River in most of the once-prosperous mill towns.
But Clairton is different. No, seriously, it really is. That is not just the Chamber of Commerce talking, it really is! I can prove it. Let's take the mighty Bear football team. Yes, they dropped from the big boy multiple "A" competition to single "A" and are perhaps the smallest school in that division, but the senior class who is about to graduate lost only one game - the first one they played as freshman. That sent them on a record setting tear of three consecutive state titles and more WPIAL titles than you can shake a stick at, and national record 63 consecutive wins. They did this with a smaller budget and a fraction of the coaching staff than some of their competitors (read "victims"). When there was no money for capes to keep them warm in the winter, of new jerseys, or victory rings, alumni from around the country rallied to donate to their cause. That's just the way CHS alumni roll.
So we know they can run, kick, and pass, but what else can the CHS students do?
Each year California State University, PA holds a region wide Robotics competition. Schools of every shape, size, and persuasion from all over Western PA compete. It is a big deal. The winners get to go to national competition which this year is held in Indianapolis, Indiana. The CHS Robotics team blew away the competition and qualified for the national competition in Indy, but the cost, even after trimming the budget by renting a van and driving the entire team was $5,000.
CHS students, faculty, and community began a fund-raising drive to earn the money but it was slow going. With a week left to the competition the goal was less than 1/3 met. So another Clairton clarion call went out to friends and alumni of the school. Newspaper articles were written, emails were sent, and in this space a plea was issued. According to Mary Niederberger who wrote a story of Clairton High School's plight, "The students fundraising had stalled at about $1,400 late last week. But after an article about their plight in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Saturday, more than 100 individuals have sent checks to the team, creating a $30,000 pot, enough to cover the costs of travel to the competition and plenty of extra money for spare parts that are generally needed for replacement during the competitions."
Bravo to everybody who contributed. As we all used to sing during our own high school days, "It's Clairton High School, It's Clairton High School, the pride of every student here...."
A little blogging music, Maestro, "The Clairton High School Alma Mater," played by the CHS band.
Dr. Forgot
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Bears Crush Competition. Need Help!
An article appeared in the local paper recently about the prowess of the Clairton High School football team. They blew away the competition and took first place again. No, not the football team... this time it was the.... well, read for yourself:
Published: Saturday, April 27, 2013, 12:01 a.m.Updated: Saturday, April 27, 2013
We just received an urgent email from longtime teacher, professor, alumnus, and all around good guy, Don Taylor in which he provided the above information and a desperate plea for help. Seems the Little High School that Could (CHS), by virtue of winning the competition, qualifies to attend the National Championship competition in Indianapolis. The trek will cost $5,000 and they have been busy trying to make that goal but are less than halfway there. If you can help send the robotics team to Indy, please help by sending a check or money order of any amount to: Clairton Robotics Team, Clairton High School, 501 Waddell Avenue, Clairton, PA 15025. Or, to Sue Wessel, 512 N. 6th St., Clairton, PA 15025. But DO IT NOW! As the money needs to be in by Friday, May 17. That is next Friday.
And oh yes, "Good Luck Robo-Bears!"
A little blogging music Maestro, "Mr. Roboto," by the STYX.
Dr. Forgot
Published: Saturday, April 27, 2013, 12:01 a.m.Updated: Saturday, April 27, 2013
Nearly 50 teams participated in the eighth annual BotsIQ at California University of Pennsylvania recently.
Students from across the region entered the robots that they designed and built in this high-tech battle.
But it was Clairton High School's robot, Bazinga, that crushed the competition for top honors.
The grand champion award recognizes the team with the best overall performance in the competition, documentation and team interviews.
It's been eight years since the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Tooling & Machining Association and a committed group of manufacturers and educators brought BotsIQ to Southwestern Pennsylvania. Known as “The Smart Sport,” BotsIQ begins with a preliminary competition, this year at Westmoreland County Community College, and culminates in a two-day, gladiator-style battle to the finish of student-made, remote-controlled robots.
The NTMA was instrumental in bringing BotsIQ to Southwestern Pennsylvania in 2006. Students love BotsIQ because it makes education fun — drawing on their knowledge of math, science, engineering and even public speaking.
Educators love BotsIQ because of the enthusiasm it sparks in their students and the resources it provides to their classroom. But, it's the manufacturing industry that is standing behind this “smart sport” because of the potential impact it has on business. Young people who are interested in how things are made are the future of the high-tech manufacturing workforce.
Clairton High School received a traveling trophy, team ribbons and a $1,000 award from the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Tooling & Machining Association.
Second place honors for 2013 go to Eastern Westmoreland CTC with their bot Pandemonium.
There was a tie for “Coolest Bot” honors between Clairton High School (Mega Nuke) and Plum High School (Still N' Shock II). Clairton High School was awarded “Best Sportsmanship.”
The students of Fayette County CTI with their bot The Grave Digger won “Best Engineered Bot” and “Best Engineering Documentation.”
Norwin High School with its bot ‘MERICA took home the distinction of “King of the Ring” after winning the final bot rumble and Bedford High School with its bot Slenderbot was named “Best Rookie Team.”
Graduating seniors Mikayla Baker of Eastern Westmoreland CTC and Haley Morella of Greater Latrobe Senior High School each won a $500 scholarship toward their future careers in manufacturing, the trades or engineering for their essay submissions.
Local schools which competed in 2013 were: Albert Gallatin Senior High School, Brownsville Area High School, Eastern Westmoreland CTC, Fayette County CTI, Frazier High School and Southmoreland High School.
We just received an urgent email from longtime teacher, professor, alumnus, and all around good guy, Don Taylor in which he provided the above information and a desperate plea for help. Seems the Little High School that Could (CHS), by virtue of winning the competition, qualifies to attend the National Championship competition in Indianapolis. The trek will cost $5,000 and they have been busy trying to make that goal but are less than halfway there. If you can help send the robotics team to Indy, please help by sending a check or money order of any amount to: Clairton Robotics Team, Clairton High School, 501 Waddell Avenue, Clairton, PA 15025. Or, to Sue Wessel, 512 N. 6th St., Clairton, PA 15025. But DO IT NOW! As the money needs to be in by Friday, May 17. That is next Friday.
And oh yes, "Good Luck Robo-Bears!"
A little blogging music Maestro, "Mr. Roboto," by the STYX.
Dr. Forgot
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Clairton Native Recognized
A Prince of a Guy: Ray Prince was a year or two behind me at Clairton High School. His dad, Joe Prince was a mover and shaker in Clairton as well as one outstanding accordion player. I remember that when he was in junior high school Ray became interested in printing. He was able to print business cards and we all thought that was neat. His interest grew and as he grew so did his printing business. He opened a shop called Prince Printing. Although he eventually sold the business, his legacy remains in Clairton as the business on St. Clair Avenue still thrives.
My high school guidance counselor at CHS told me I was not college material. When it came Ray's turn to visit the counselor, he was told that college was out for him as colleges did not teach Printing Management, and even if he did go he would probably flunk out. That mantra had a familiar ring to it. Turns out the counselor was wrong - again. Ray did go to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology, did very well, then earned a graduate degree in Printing Management at South Dakota State University, then continued to thrive in the world of paper and ink. He met the love of his life, Nancy, who was from South Dakota, and that is where they settled and where Ray became a giant in the field.
How big of a giant? Well, in addition to printing, he as authored numerous books, countless articles, and become a noted keynote speaker from coast to coast. He has served as President of the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, and received their Honors Award for Lifetime Achievement. The National Association for Printer Leadership honored him with their Craftsman of the Year Award and Graphic Arts Technical Foundation's Industry Education Award. He has assumed numerous leadership positions in the field including serving as a director on the Board of the Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation. The awards Ray has received could, well, fill a book!
So what does one do after a working lifetime and gathering recognition and awards in his field? How about starting a library? Ray raised funds and solicited book donations for the Raymond J. Prince Shakespeare Press Museum Resource Room on the campus of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The Graphic Communications Department's students will benefit from his efforts. According to Dr. Harvey L. Levenson, Department Head at the campus, "The collection comes from all over the nation and includes books, magazines, journals, research papers, and more. Some date back to the 1800s and many of these volumes are one of a kind and very valuable."
Ray's career started early and his 50-plus year career as a graphic arts consultant has been spent teaching and training. During a recent keynote speech at CalPoly, Ray Prince stated, “Knowledge is precious. The thinking of others can stimulate creative ideas. The resource room was born with the idea of stimulating students and professors. Years ago, I sent some books to three institutions. Dr. Harvey Levenson was the only one to acknowledge my donation… From there the idea grew and donations were added to the resources that Cal Poly had already acquired.”
The donation that he provided Cal Poly included an entire collection of 11,000 volumes including many that are irreplaceable. In addition he is seeking to add 194 cases of bound and unbound periodicals.
Ray announced his retirement a few months ago, but I wouldn't bet on his sitting home in a robe and slippers, smoking a pipe and reflecting on paper and ink. No, my guess is that Ray Prince has quite a few more miles to travel on behalf of educating young people in the graphic arts. Ray Prince, Clairton boy.
A little blogging music Maestro. "Sign 'O The Times," by Prince.
Dr. Forgot
My high school guidance counselor at CHS told me I was not college material. When it came Ray's turn to visit the counselor, he was told that college was out for him as colleges did not teach Printing Management, and even if he did go he would probably flunk out. That mantra had a familiar ring to it. Turns out the counselor was wrong - again. Ray did go to college at the Rochester Institute of Technology, did very well, then earned a graduate degree in Printing Management at South Dakota State University, then continued to thrive in the world of paper and ink. He met the love of his life, Nancy, who was from South Dakota, and that is where they settled and where Ray became a giant in the field.
How big of a giant? Well, in addition to printing, he as authored numerous books, countless articles, and become a noted keynote speaker from coast to coast. He has served as President of the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, and received their Honors Award for Lifetime Achievement. The National Association for Printer Leadership honored him with their Craftsman of the Year Award and Graphic Arts Technical Foundation's Industry Education Award. He has assumed numerous leadership positions in the field including serving as a director on the Board of the Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation. The awards Ray has received could, well, fill a book!
So what does one do after a working lifetime and gathering recognition and awards in his field? How about starting a library? Ray raised funds and solicited book donations for the Raymond J. Prince Shakespeare Press Museum Resource Room on the campus of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The Graphic Communications Department's students will benefit from his efforts. According to Dr. Harvey L. Levenson, Department Head at the campus, "The collection comes from all over the nation and includes books, magazines, journals, research papers, and more. Some date back to the 1800s and many of these volumes are one of a kind and very valuable."
Ray's career started early and his 50-plus year career as a graphic arts consultant has been spent teaching and training. During a recent keynote speech at CalPoly, Ray Prince stated, “Knowledge is precious. The thinking of others can stimulate creative ideas. The resource room was born with the idea of stimulating students and professors. Years ago, I sent some books to three institutions. Dr. Harvey Levenson was the only one to acknowledge my donation… From there the idea grew and donations were added to the resources that Cal Poly had already acquired.”
The donation that he provided Cal Poly included an entire collection of 11,000 volumes including many that are irreplaceable. In addition he is seeking to add 194 cases of bound and unbound periodicals.
Ray announced his retirement a few months ago, but I wouldn't bet on his sitting home in a robe and slippers, smoking a pipe and reflecting on paper and ink. No, my guess is that Ray Prince has quite a few more miles to travel on behalf of educating young people in the graphic arts. Ray Prince, Clairton boy.
A little blogging music Maestro. "Sign 'O The Times," by Prince.
Dr. Forgot
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Our 500th Post and My First Book
When I started this blog, back in what seems like the late seventeenth century, I was not sure where it would go. Once I began blogging abut my old hometown and its residents, past and present, the blog just took off. There are more than 1,000 regular visitors to the blog. Today's, being the 500th blog post, is a very special day because I am about to announce the publication of my first book. The book is effectively memoirs from a youth that started in Clairton during the Second World War. I hope to have it published before summer begins. It will be available in a print version (paperback) as well as an electronic version and will be available through, Barnes and Noble, Kindle, as well as directly from me if you wish to have a signed copy. Once the book becomes available I will do another post as well as an email blast to announce it and provide specifics regarding ordering. At that time I will also have a Facebook page and a dedicated web site for the book. I am very excited about this project and hope you find the time to read it. Let me give you a taste:
focused on my failures in this book, rather, I’ve noted some
of my successes and the joy they have provided.
A little book-writing music Maestro... "I Could Write a Book," by Harry Conick, Jr.
Dr. Forgot
What follows is my story; a boy who was born too soon, who grew too slowly, and who was an alien by virtue of being a right-brain person in a left-brain world as well as a left-hander in a right handed world. The events depicted in this book are as I remember them. My life path, from beginning as a poor student, navigating through the ranks of academia, and finally having achieved the ultimate degree in education, was shaped by a series of accidental occurrences. The story also tells how grades one receives in school do not necessarily predict achievement. Academia can be both out of sync and out of touch with students.
Whether a straight-A student or one whose grades come in fuzzy shades, it is rare that one focuses on exactly where life’s journey will take him. For most, life is shaped by happenstance or a series of accidents; who or when to marry, when children come along, professional and personal oppor-
What follows is my story; a boy who was born too soon, who grew too slowly, and who was an alien by virtue of being a right-brain person in a left-brain world as well as a left-hander in a right handed world. The events depicted in this book are as I remember them. My life path, from beginning as a poor student, navigating through the ranks of academia, and finally having achieved the ultimate degree in education, was shaped by a series of accidental occurrences. The story also tells how grades one receives in school do not necessarily predict achievement. Academia can be both out of sync and out of touch with students.
Whether a straight-A student or one whose grades come in fuzzy shades, it is rare that one focuses on exactly where life’s journey will take him. For most, life is shaped by happenstance or a series of accidents; who or when to marry, when children come along, professional and personal oppor-
tunities, and setbacks. In that sense, my journey through life
might not be so different than that of many others.
The story begins two generations earlier in a part of the world that was at various times called Austria, Hungary, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Yugoslavia, and most recently a group of independent countries established after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. People of that era were graded on such things as their ability to earn a living, their physical attractiveness, or their level of commitment to a religion. They were also perniciously graded on their circumstance of birth – whether born with a silver spoon in their mouth or a pick and shovel in their hand.
Grades were also a benchmark of whether or not one’s work performance was “up to grade.” Students were not given grades but were tutored individually. Once their studies were complete they went into the work force with a recommendation from a tutor instead of a transcript.
William Farish, a tutor at Cambridge University in 1792, is given credit for developing the modern grading system. By assigning grades, he would not have to get to know his students as well as other teachers, thereby allowing him to process many more students in a shorter period of time. His clever “invention” caught on in America in the nineteenth century and ballooned in the twentieth.
These days, grades are typically assigned a letter value, A, B, C, D, or F. Some grading systems include percentages that may or may not translate to letter grades. A 70 percent can be equivalent to a “C” grade in one system or a “D” grade in another. Universities frequently assign a number grade point, meaning letter grades can be converted to or from a number value, (A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0.0). Grade points can be on a five-point scale, or a three-point scale.
The story begins two generations earlier in a part of the world that was at various times called Austria, Hungary, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Yugoslavia, and most recently a group of independent countries established after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. People of that era were graded on such things as their ability to earn a living, their physical attractiveness, or their level of commitment to a religion. They were also perniciously graded on their circumstance of birth – whether born with a silver spoon in their mouth or a pick and shovel in their hand.
Grades were also a benchmark of whether or not one’s work performance was “up to grade.” Students were not given grades but were tutored individually. Once their studies were complete they went into the work force with a recommendation from a tutor instead of a transcript.
William Farish, a tutor at Cambridge University in 1792, is given credit for developing the modern grading system. By assigning grades, he would not have to get to know his students as well as other teachers, thereby allowing him to process many more students in a shorter period of time. His clever “invention” caught on in America in the nineteenth century and ballooned in the twentieth.
These days, grades are typically assigned a letter value, A, B, C, D, or F. Some grading systems include percentages that may or may not translate to letter grades. A 70 percent can be equivalent to a “C” grade in one system or a “D” grade in another. Universities frequently assign a number grade point, meaning letter grades can be converted to or from a number value, (A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0.0). Grade points can be on a five-point scale, or a three-point scale.
In the mid-twentieth century a popular grading system
was referred to as ESNU; E (Excellent) S (Satisfactory), N
or NI (Needs Improvement), or U (Unsatisfactory).
Grades may be weighted or un-weighted, and might include plus (+) or minus (–) after each letter grade, with the exception of F. Grades might also be I (Incomplete), FN (Failure, Non-attendance), X (audit) or W (Withdrawal). Samford University, near Birmingham, Alabama, offers 21 different grades that could be earned by students.
Grades can also come in colors: A “Red 70” can be a passing grade that is on the verge of failure. Red and Blue Ribbon, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Platinum medals, can be considered colored grades. It is clear that more than Fifty Shades of Grades can be identified in evaluating achievement. What William Farish began has become so scattered in education that it begs for a new name. defines the word wacky as “odd, irrational, or crazy.” My own definition of the grading process in academic education is “Wacademia.”
I have had many failures in my life; earning failing grades among them. Indeed, my failures have far outnumbered my successes. However, over the years I have committed myself to the philosophy that failure is the tuition we pay for success, provided we learn from our failures. I have neither cited nor
Grades may be weighted or un-weighted, and might include plus (+) or minus (–) after each letter grade, with the exception of F. Grades might also be I (Incomplete), FN (Failure, Non-attendance), X (audit) or W (Withdrawal). Samford University, near Birmingham, Alabama, offers 21 different grades that could be earned by students.
Grades can also come in colors: A “Red 70” can be a passing grade that is on the verge of failure. Red and Blue Ribbon, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Platinum medals, can be considered colored grades. It is clear that more than Fifty Shades of Grades can be identified in evaluating achievement. What William Farish began has become so scattered in education that it begs for a new name. defines the word wacky as “odd, irrational, or crazy.” My own definition of the grading process in academic education is “Wacademia.”
I have had many failures in my life; earning failing grades among them. Indeed, my failures have far outnumbered my successes. However, over the years I have committed myself to the philosophy that failure is the tuition we pay for success, provided we learn from our failures. I have neither cited nor
A little book-writing music Maestro... "I Could Write a Book," by Harry Conick, Jr.
Dr. Forgot
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Hypocrisy and the Media
Evidence of March Madness: Three college basketball coaches have
dominated sports and "news" media coverage this week. Let's take a
look at how the media has covered each one:
Tarkanian: Elected to the Hall of Fame after being snubbed for decades. Rob
Dauster of NBC Sports pretty well sums up the media coverage of Tark's entry
after having been snubbed for decades, and why: “Jerry Tarkanian
officially was invited to join the Naismith Hall of Fame on Monday afternoon at
a ceremony in Atlanta. He’ll become an actual member in September at an
induction ceremony in September.
"This honor was a long-time coming. ‘Tark the Shark’ won 729 games in
his 34 year career, with 706 of those coming at the Division I level. He
essentially built the UNLV basketball program, creating the Runnin’ Rebels and
leading them to four Final Four and a national title in 1990. His first Final
Four in 1977 came just seven years after the program went Division I. His UNLV
teams in the early ’90s will go down as one of the best college basketball
teams of all-time.
“So why wasn’t the Shark in the Hall of Fame already?
“Well, its simple, really.
“He’s got a laundry list
of NCAA issues. He’s had games vacated. He has twice taken legal action against
the NCAA, with one of those lawsuits resulting in the restructuring of the way
the NCAA handles enforcement. Tarkanian is one of the greatest coaches in the
history of the game. An innovator. But the problem was that he was painted as a
cheat, as a black mark on the integrity of the NCAA. Why would anyone want to
reward one of the most notorious outlaws of amateur athletics?
“But there is a powerful anti-NCAA movement going on across the
country these days. After seeing what happened with Miami, USC, Penn State and
UCLA, the view that voters have of the Shark is starting to change.
“Maybe he’s not the villain.
“Maybe he was actually the guy that was fighting the good fight all
those years ago.
“This honor was overdue. Tarkanian’s health is failing. Good on the
voters to allow him to experience this.”
So, MAYBE, as the author writes, Tark is not a villain and his legacy can be
recognized only after powerhouses like Miami, USC, Penn State, and UCLA have
been sanctioned after decades of allegations that were somehow overlooked by
the NCAA and the media.
Candidate number two: Former Rutgers coach Mike Rice. Steve Eder of the New York Times sums
up the media coverage in part this way: “Tim Pernetti, the athletic director,
knew all of that and had repeatedly tried to rein in Mr. Rice, according to a
50-page report that Rutgers commissioned outside lawyers to prepare. He
personally reprimanded him, attended Mr. Rice’s practices and even assigned the
university’s sports psychologist to work with the team, the report said.
“But the video was stark, a highlight reel of abuse — the coach
kicking his players, hurling basketballs at them and taunting them with
homophobic slurs. Those epithets were especially galling at Rutgers, where a
gay freshman had killed himself.
“The video, parts of which were made public last week, was 30 minutes
long. It had been professionally edited from a collection of 219 DVDs covering
hundreds of hours of practices, material that Rutgers had voluntarily provided
to Eric Murdock, the former assistant, after his departure.”
Wow! The media attacked a coach at Rutgers that last won a basketball
championship in, well, never. But they DID reach the Final Four once, in 1976.
Louisville coach Rick Pitino. After reviewing dozens and dozens of
media descriptions of Pitino’s entry into the Hall of Fame, along with Tark’s,
the media’s fawning over and bowing to this coach can be summed up by Justin
Onslow of the Bleacher Report: “There aren’t many
coaches with the résumé Rick Pitino
boasts. With 661 wins and 17 tournament appearances spanning four decades, the
legendary coach should have found a home in the Hall of Fame
long before this season.
“Three things measure the success of a head coach: wins,
championships and longevity. Pitino exemplifies those things, and his team’s
tournament run this season is the icing on the cake.
“The 60-year-old has left an indelible mark on the sport
of basketball in his 35 years as a head coach. With two stints in the NBA (New
York Knicks, Boston Celtics), a national championship at Kentucky and another
potentially on the way with Louisville, Pitino has put together one of the most
impressive careers of any coach in the sport’s history.”
hypocrisy: Perhaps
you noticed that nearly every article that discusses Jerry Tarkanian’s entry
into the Hall of Fame includes not only his accomplishments as a coach, but a
history of missteps, penalties, and sanctions against him over the past several
Regarding Mike Rice, the media must have been asleep at
the switch, as their excoriation of the coach (and rightly so if the reports
are even remotely correct) comes only after the cat was let out of the bag
regarding the coach’s verbal and physical abuse of the players.
And the winner is, Rick Pitino: I am sure every beat writer can justify the inclusion of Tark’s
history as part of the history of a great coach who is finally rightly
recognized for his accomplishments. What seems to be lacking from the media
reports is the history of Rick Pitino. The media is ready to offer him
sainthood for his accomplishments as a coach but his failings as a person are
clearly missing from any reports in the coverage of his induction and his
team’s winning of a national championship. Remember, it was just a few years
ago that the Rick Pitino scandal was on the lips of every sportscaster and the
fingertips of every sportswriter. Just four years ago the New York Daily News
printed the following as part of an article entitled: “The Sordid Tale of
Louisville Coach Rick Pitino Sex Scandal.” It reads in part, “According to a report of the July 12
interview conducted by the police, Pitino said that he met Sypher (then named Karen Cunagin) at a
restaurant, and after some initial flirting was soon involved in a sexual
encounter with her. Sypher asked him that night if he had a condom. He did not.
told him that he should (be careful) because she had just gotten out of a
relationship and was not on birth control," the police sergeant who
interviewed Pitino wrote in his report.
had sex in the back of the closed restaurant and Karen Sypher later drove the
coach home, badgering him about getting tickets to Louisville games during the
ride, according to the report.
weeks later, Sypher told Pitino she was pregnant. According to the report,
Pitino asked her if she was sure of this and she was offended by the question.
said that he explained that he was married with five kids, and that she had
four kids, and that he didn't know what he wanted to do about the
situation," the report said. "He said that if she chose to have the
child that he would require a blood test to determine for certain whether or not
the child was his. She told him that she was going to have an abortion, and
stated that she did not have health insurance."
admitted to giving Sypher $3,000 for the abortion, though his attorney, Steve Pence, qualifies the
transaction by saying that the money was actually used to pay for the health
insurance that eventually paid for the procedure. Pence has gone to great
lengths to deliver the message, through the media, that the abortion decision
was not something Pitino took lightly, and a voice message Karen Sypher
produced for the media last week seemed to reflect that.
think that the best thing in all scenarios is to go through with it (have the
baby), but that it has to be your call," Pitino said on the message left
on Sypher's phone. "I think, I really can't give you any advice, except I
have thought about it."
Sypher would accept the $3,000 from Pitino to pay for the abortion, but that,
of course, was not the end of the saga. Sypher eventually married and divorced
Pitino's longtime associate, Tim Sypher; allegedly
demanded that Pitino pay her $10 million in exchange for her silence; accused
him of raping her in their initial encounter and one time afterward; and
allegedly lied to the FBI when they questioned her about the shakedown. On
April 24 of this year, Sypher was indicted by federal authorities for
How soon they conveniently forget: The purpose of this article is not to
cast aspersions on Rick Pitino, nor to defend Jerry Tarkanian or Mike Rice.
Rather, the purpose goes to Tark’s longtime contention that the NCAA, and to a
lesser extent the media, protects certain schools, programs, and coaches, and
selectively goes after others. Usually the decisions are consistent with money.
The entire basketball program at Wichita State runs on less than what
Louisville coach Rick Pitino makes in a single year, with money left over to
purchase plenty of trophy cases for Final Four hardware. The budget for the entire basketball program
at Wichita State, which barely lost to Pitino’s team in the semi-finals, is
$3.1 million. Pitino’s base salary is $3.9 million. Perhaps the Shockers should
watch their backs.
little blogging music Maestro: “Hypocrites,” by Bob Marley
Friday, April 5, 2013
Hail, Hail The Gang's All Here
Once a Clairtonian... If nothing else, those of us from the community on the Monongahela River are true to our school and hometown. What other community has annual get-togethers in Clairton as well as in Florida??!!! Some classes are more diligent than others in getting together to celebrate reunions. My own class, 1960, has had a reunion every five years starting with number ten.
Yes, it can be depressing to see the socio-economic slide the city has gone through since the steel industry collapsed. Yes, it is sad to see the population that once numbered close to 30,000 souls dwindle to around 5,500.
But look at the bright side; Clairton High School Football has set records that will not be soon broken. They have been WPIAL and State champs more often than I can count. (Math was not my strength at CHS). Alumni have begun organizations such as Reaching the Reachable that mentors the students at our school and encourages them to strive toward post-secondary education. Those are some of the reasons we celebrate our reunions with fellow CHS grads.
Take a look at the web site to see some of the positive and upbeat things that are going on in our community. These positive aspects of Clairton are rarely, if ever, noted in the media. Hmmmm.
Fifty is a biggie... The fiftieth class reunion has been celebrated by each class up to the class of 1962, which had theirs last year. The class of 1964 is already planning theirs for next year and the class of 1963 got lost and slipped a cog. But they are working hard to catch up. I recently received an email from a member of the class of 1963 which reads as follows:
Yes, it can be depressing to see the socio-economic slide the city has gone through since the steel industry collapsed. Yes, it is sad to see the population that once numbered close to 30,000 souls dwindle to around 5,500.
But look at the bright side; Clairton High School Football has set records that will not be soon broken. They have been WPIAL and State champs more often than I can count. (Math was not my strength at CHS). Alumni have begun organizations such as Reaching the Reachable that mentors the students at our school and encourages them to strive toward post-secondary education. Those are some of the reasons we celebrate our reunions with fellow CHS grads.
Take a look at the web site to see some of the positive and upbeat things that are going on in our community. These positive aspects of Clairton are rarely, if ever, noted in the media. Hmmmm.
Fifty is a biggie... The fiftieth class reunion has been celebrated by each class up to the class of 1962, which had theirs last year. The class of 1964 is already planning theirs for next year and the class of 1963 got lost and slipped a cog. But they are working hard to catch up. I recently received an email from a member of the class of 1963 which reads as follows:
If you graduated from Clairton in 1963 or know someone who did, a Reunion Committee has been set up and they need your help. They are trying to put together a data base of names and email addresses to determine if there is enough interest at this late date to plan an event to celebrate the occasion.
Additional information that was sent to me follows.
From Rick Weber:
Several of us are trying to put together our 50th high school reunion. As you may know, a combined reunion is held annually at Clairton Park. This year, it will be held on September 7. Here are the details:
An email has been set up to which you may respond. It is:
We would really love for you to join in on our 50th reunion.
Thank you.
Rick Weber
An email has been set up to which you may respond. It is:
We would really love for you to join in on our 50th reunion.
Thank you.
Rick Weber
And from Mitzi Nixon Buechele:
...thoughts on Politics, Protocol and Polident!
As I have been corresponding with Rick Weber about getting something together for our 50th Clairton High School Reunion, a theme to my thoughts emerged. I seem to be focusing on 3 things...POLITICS, PROTOCOL and POLIDENT! Let me explain.
POLITICS...We have all heard countless politicians ask "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?" since Ronald Reagan first asked the question in 1980. With that thought in mind, I have asked myself "Are you better off today than you were 50 years ago?" HECK, YEAH, I tell myself. But then, mine was not the brightest shining star in high school. I hope that those who knew me remember me as kind, helpful, thoughtful and friendly, qualities we appreciate more as adults than we did as adolescents. Yep, I say to myself, Popeye had it right....I Y'AM WHAT I Y'AM. And I like it.
PROTOCOL....Surely there is a protocol to who does what to plan a Class Reunion, isn't there, I wondered. But if there has been no planning by this late date, no established committee meeting regularly, then let's forget about protocol and get something going! Heck...we're all around age 68...we can do what we want to do! That was the driving thought behind my conversations with Rick Weber. He has willingly taken the lead to put something together so that our 50th Class Reunion will happen. My thoughts to him were these:
Neither the venue nor the menu is important to me. We have all been to enough fancy places in our lives, eaten enough entrees that we had difficulty pronouncing and dressed up too many times because somebody said we had to. What is important to most of us now is PEOPLE....remembering, reconnecting, rediscovering each other, renewing friendships and building new ones. And we can do that wherever we meet....just so we MEET SOMEWHERE.
Finally, POLIDENT! That represents to me what we all have in common today.... lots of dental work and possible dentures, arthritic knees and elbows, hair coloring decisions and big smiles for our grandchildren if we have been so blessed. That ties it all together for me. If we were the class clown or the most serious, the best athlete or the least co-ordinated, academically gifted or challenged, we are more alike today than ever. If we moved away from Clairton or remained close by, are retired or still working, prefer a shot and a beer or a Diet Pepsi, it doesn't matter. We still share many common threads of events that are woven into our tapestry of life experiences. And so it is my hope that as many of us as possible will get together this September to celebrate our 50th Class Reunion. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ANY OTHER CLASSMATES CONNECTED TO THE CLASS OF 1963 THAT YOU ARE IN TOUCH WITH (spouses, those who moved, etc) You and they hopefully will contact Rick at the address below and together we can make this Reunion a success.
I hope to see you (WEARING A NAME TAG!) at our 50th Class Reunion get together on Sept. 6 and at the All Class Reunion Sept. 7.
Mitzi Nixon Buechele
(Full disclosure: Mrs. Buechele is my baby sister)
A little blogging music Maestro... "Clairton High School Alma Mater" played by the Clairton High School marching band.
Dr. Forgot
Dr. Forgot
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