If You’re Gonna Dream, Dream Big
MAY 30, 2013 BY

From the opening scene in Loyalties where Regina is driving through the streets of Philadelphia in her black Trans Am, with the radio blaring Bad Company’s Running With The Pack, Wendi and I had (and still have) a dream of seeing the Bonds of Blood & Spirit saga up on the silver screen. Hell, what author doesn’t these days?
When we write, we write in cinematic Technicolor all the way. Our focus is visually driven. Maybe it’s from Wendi’s roots in directing plays for so many years, or maybe it’s my love of good movies, or maybe we’re just artists who paint pictures with words. We see our stories as films playing out in our heads and dreams.
Our characters are inspired by the celebrity faces we see, by their personalities on and off the screen. Woe be unto the director and producers who have to deal with us when it comes time for casting. We have our Dream Cast all laid out and waiting. There’s enough pretty going on there to make your mouth water and your head spin.
One thing we’ve learned over the years is that when you dream, when you put your goals in writing and declare it to the Universe, strange things happen. You get what you ask for.
No, I’m not saying we got a movie deal, or even that our series was picked up by HBO, or by a big publishing house. We haven’t joined the esteemed company of True Blood, Deadwood, Game of Thrones or Carnivale…yet.
What has happened is we’ve been placed two degrees away from one of the stars in our Dream Cast. It came about something like this…
A year ago, my Mom started working at Las Vegas’ premier cultural hot spot, The Smith Center for The Performing Arts. She’s an usher, and a very good one, so if you’re ever attending a performance there, be sure to say “hi” to the lovely blonde woman helping you find your seat.
One of her co-workers is Andy Nixon. Andy had a manuscript. He had a dream to get his book published. Mom said, hey, my daughter can help you with that, and that’s how Wendi and I met Andy “Dr. Forgot” Nixon (you’ll have to buy his book, 50 Shades of Grades: My Journey Through Wackademia when it’s published this summer to find out how he got that name…and yes, he really is a PhD).
Trivia Note: Andy also has a cat, named Casanova, and like our own Harrison “Casanova” McLeod, has black hair (ok, technically it’s fur on the cat, but that would have made for an awkward sentence, and still kinda does, but you get the idea) and beautiful green eyes….not exactly relevant to the story here, but just one of those little coincidences that tickles me to no end.
So, a few weeks ago during one of our discussions about Andy’s project, Andy said, “In case you have time during your busy day to watch Criminal Minds, Matt Gubler who plays Dr. Reid, is doing a benefit at the Las Vegas Country Club tonight. We are going because his Mom and I go way back as friends—before there was a little Matt Gubler.”
That just about blew my mind. Matt Gubler?? Seriously? Matt is our pick on the Dream Cast for the role of Josh “Runt” Punter, a tech geek wolf who started out as part of Ramon Esteban’s Vampire crew and proved himself to be quite the little hero. Runt won a place in the Pack’s heart, as well as those of our fans’, and ended up having a more prominent role in the Pack than Wendi and I first anticipated.
We love Runt, and we love Matt. And we love Andy, because he’s graciously agreed to get a copy of Loyalties into Matt’s hands. Now all that remains is what to write to Matt without sounding like star-struck fangirls. Or maybe we’ll just point him to this post and let the book speak for itself?
No worries though, we’re writers first and foremost and we’ll come up with something. No idea where this will go, but it’ll be interesting to find out. I think Wendi and I would be over the moon if Matt reads Loyalties and gave us some feedback on it. It would be cool to get that from a professional director.
In other news, book three, Reclamations, is rolling ahead at full steam. Our focus has shifted from the bountiful client work over the past couple of months to getting the last two books out. We’re almost done with the final editing and moving rapidly toward layout and production. You’ll have the next book sometime in July, with the fourth book, Legacies not too far behind.
Until then, we thank you for all the lovely reviews for Uncivil Wars, and if you haven’t read that or Loyalties yet—what are you waiting for? Get caught up now! The summer’s only just begun and you definitely want the Bonds of Blood & Spirit saga on your summer reading list!
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How about you? Are you looking forward to Reclamations as much as we are? As Packmates, what would you want to say to Matt Gubler? Got questions you’d like to ask Wendi and I?” Tell us about it in the comments here on the fan site, we’d love to hear from you!