If you think there is no prayer in schools, stop by during Finals.
Semester Exam: Ok boys and girls. You have been reading the Clairton posts all semester. You’ve had practice quizzes, stayed up late into the night to study after Dancing With the Stars was over, and now you’re ready for your final exam. No cheating. Remove all books and materials from your desk and get ready... GO!
1. The first recorded survey of property occurred in
a. 1776
b. 1911
c. 1769
d. When Hell froze over
2. The borough of Clairton was chartered in
a. 1776
b. 1903
c. 1917
d. December 7, 1941
3. The borough of Wilson was chartered in
a. 1776
b. 1907
c. 1944
d. The day the earth stood still
4. North Clairton, chartered in 1915 was also called:
a. Woodland Terrace
b. The Blair District
c. The City of Prayer
d. Newtown
5. All three boroughs above incorporated as the City of Clairton in
a. 1777
b. 1856
c. 1922
d. When the moon was in the seventh house
6. The Piano company factory in Wilson in 1889 was named for:
a. Wilson
b. Clairton
c. Mendelssohn
d. St. Clair
7. The first Post Office, established in 1848 was located in
a. Wilson
b. Clairton
c. Coal Valley
d. Marracini’s Market
8. Central Park, along the River in Blair in the 1890s included:
a. A pavilion for dancing
b. A dining room
c. A thoroughbred racetrack
d. All of the above
9. The first FHA approved large scale housing project in the nation:
a. Malmady Village
b. Colonial Village
c. Woodland Terrace
d. Wilson Newtown
10. The first chartered bank in the City was:
a. Three Rivers
b. Nationsbank
c. Union Trust
d. Clairton Bank and Trust
Ok, while you sharpen your pencils for the next session, exchange papers with the person next to you and check your answers. Remember, no cheating or you will be sent to the principal’s office and Miss Brogan has a paddle machine especially designed for cheaters. Ready? 1. c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. b, 5. c, 6. c, 7. c, 8. d, 9. b, 10. c. Ok, ready for part II?
1. The Clairtonian who won a Congressional Medal of Honor:
a. Capt. Reggie Desiderio
b. Col. Reggie Bush
c. Lt. Roger DiNiro
d. Captain Marvel
2. Clairton High School’s two All Americans were:(choose 2)
a. Ken Stilley
b. Andrew Berchock
c. Jim Kelley
d. Ron Lancaster
3. The two attended college at (choose 2)
a. Notre Dame
b. Penn State
c. North Carolina
d. Pitt
4. Clairton War Hero Ed Skvarna once danced with:
a. Ginger Rogers
b. Lucille Ball
c. Madonna
d. Donna Reed
5. Clairtonian Nell “Honey” Kohler was recognized for:
a. Unionizing steel workers
b. Crocheting 13,000 blankets for orphans
c. Being the model for “Rosie the Riveter”
d. Being Clairton’s first female Police Chief
6. What Clairton lad acted in “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?
a. Michael Green
b. Frank Russo
c. Don Nesti
d. John Moio
7. Which one the following was a Clairton elementary school?
a. Short Street
b. Sixth Street
c. Chestnut Avenue
d. Milner Avenue
8. How many boys graduated in the first CHS class of 1907?
a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. None
9. Harry Gilmore, CHS ’55:
a. Was the first Ambassador to Armenia
b. Was the highest ranking American Diplomat in Berlin when the Berlin Wall fell
c. Was the last American to cross Checkpoint Charlie
d. Earned the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal
10. May 30, 1930 Clairton celebrated
a. The end of the Korean War
b. Its 50th anniversary
c. The opening of the new Clairton High School
d. The opening of the new swimming pool.
Ok, exchange papers again. The answers are 1. A, 2. B&C 3. A&C, 4. D, 5. B, 6. D, 7. A, 8. A, 9. (All are true) 10. D. That is your semester exam. If you passed you will be promoted to the next grade as a Clairton Expert. But don’t get too cocky because some define “ex” as a has-been and “spurt” as a drip under pressure.
PS: For the reader who asked about a picture of anything from the Central Park along the river, the Dance Pavilion from that park appears in the Silver Anniversary “Memories” booklet published in 1947. A copy, I am told, resides in the Clairton Room of the Clairton Public Library. The pages of the booklet aren’t numbered but it is in the “Borough of Clairton” section. Toward the back of the booklet there is also an artist’s rendering of the entire Central Park. Also contact the Mifflin Historical Society (web address below) for an extensive Clairton memorabilia collection.
NOTE: The photo above is the original Clairton High School. It was a three-story red brick building on Fifth Street. When the school could no longer accommodate the influx of students a new school was built across the street that became the present Clairton High School. The original CHS was retrofitted and renamed Fifth Street Elementary School. Inside the tower atop the school was a heavy iron bell that pealed each morning to tell the kiddies they’d better hurry to get to school on time. As time took its toll on the school, engineers determined that the weight of the bell could no longer be supported and it was removed and placed on a concrete stand at the school’s entrance. Fifth Street Grade School was eventually demolished. All that remains is the open space across from the CHS entry.
A little blogging music Maestro... “Summer in the City” by The Lovin’ Spoonful.
Dr. Forgot
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