Recent Disasters: Tornadoes, Floods, Earthquakes, Celebrity Comments
Should Sharon be Stoned over Karma Comments? Bob Dylan said, “Everybody must get stoned.” So let’s look at who throws the first one. Oliver Stone is a conspiracy theorist, a rolling stone gathers no moss, Sly and the Family Stone agree that there are Different Strokes for Different Folks, and some think Sharon Stone must have been stoned when she made her karma comments. To wit, regarding the recent devastating earthquake in Japan the 50 (yes, 50!) year old actress was quoted at the Cannes film festival as saying, “And then this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When you’re not nice bad things happen to you?” Suffice it to say she will not win a Nobel Peace prize this year and probably not get the Chinese vote for “Woman of the Year.” The American Podiatrist Association might give her an award, however, for planting her foot in her mouth.
Obama Pastor Problem or SNL skit: The media and its pundits always make good targets. Sometimes they just take themselves too seriously. Maybe it is because they have air to fill and nobody watches, listens to or reads dead air. The most recent “Obama pastor controversy” is an example of how dead air sometimes gets filled with ridiculous and silly stuff. Some wacko priest, Rev. Michael Pfleger, decided to perform for the crowd in a way that reminds me of a junior high nerd who got his first rush from the attention of schoolmates. The bit was about Hillary and was actually pretty funny. Had it been a Saturday Night Live skit it would have gotten great reviews as a spoof. Instead it was run on cable news to fill dead air. Just goes to show you that humor and satire can become news.
Hillary Clinton is an addict: Those same 24-hour cable news networks have asked the question, “Exactly what does Hillary want?” They’ve hired high priced professionals, professors, and pundits to try to answer that question. All they have to do is read this blog and they will get the answer for free! Senator Hillary Clinton is addicted to something far stronger than heroin, crack cocaine, or oxycontin. It is the same addiction that seduces many other politicians, performers, and public figures. The addiction to stand before the camera and have millions of adoring fans fawn over you. The addiction that has people hang on your every word as though it were actually important. The addiction to the perks of having a staff, a limo, and a private jet at your disposal and have the scions of media clamoring for your attention. Hillary loves the hunt and the attention. The rush from this addiction is provided daily during the campaign. That’s what Hillary needs most. After the election regardless of the result, once the cameras are turned off and the cable news leads off with a different story there will be a letdown. It matters not so much whether she wins or loses but that she got to play in the game. And it wasn’t about Bill, it was about Hill.
A little blogging music Maestro... All I need is a Miracle by Mike and the Mechanics.
Dr. Forgot
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday's Follies
My computer beats me at chess but not kickboxing
Little Green Men from Phoenix: Another stunning victory for our U. S. space cadets. They’ve managed to land a vehicle called Phoenix on Mars. A news release from Hillary Clinton’s camp said the delegates from Mars supported her and demanded they be seated at the convention. In a speech beamed to Mars Senator Clinton said that as a child she was often green and that the term ”Red Planet” was coined by her grandfather, a half Montana, half Dakota Puerto Rican Indian. The speech also said that since there were no colleges on Mars it is clear that the population was part of her demographic stronghold.
There’s plenty of profit in being a prophet: FLDS leader and self proclaimed prophet Warren Jeffs is serving time in the hoosegow on an “Accomplice to rape” charge. Recent photos allegedly showed him kissing his new 12-year old bride. When asked what type of entertainment is available at the compound for all those wives Jeff responded, “In keeping with tradition, they wear prairie dresses and watch old movies like Lolita.” According to a search warrant Jeffs had spiritual marriages with four girls between the ages of 12 and 15. Yet Texas authorities sent all the children back to his church’s compound.
High cost of housing yields creative solutions: Foreclosures, housing debacles, and high rents are worldwide problems. A homeless woman in Japan discovered a reasonably priced solution to the problem. She sneaked into a house and lived undetected in a closet for a year. She’s since come out of the closet and into the jail cell after being arrested for trespass. She moved an air mattress into the closet and enjoyed all the comforts of home while the bachelor owner was at work. The joke is on society – she’s still receiving free room and board!
The absent-minded professor forgot to eat: I earned my moniker, Dr. Forgot by overlooking the minutia in life and focusing on things that had a higher priority. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. However, the prize for absent-minded professorship goes to Muata Kamdibe, a college professor who, as I say tongue-in-cheek, forgot to eat. On a trip to Las Vegas the English prof weighed himself and at over 300 pounds he nearly broke the scale. He started an exercise and diet regimen that cost him 133 pounds and a new body. Way to go prof.
U.S. Ariways cuts the nuts: In the 1950s and 60s flying was not only a status symbol it was a pleasure. Longer flights provided the finest cuisine served on linen placemats with linen table napkins and fine silver. Ah, those were the days. In the late 1970s Southwest airline identified a new market and began to offer cheap fares with no food except peanuts – just like
their fares. The people spoke with their wallets. Southwest became the darling of the industry and the biggies began to emulate them. U.S. Airways recently did the coup de gras when they announced no more free snacks. The policy will join free meals as distant memories. It must be noted, however that there is not one known case of a person starving to death on a four-hour plane flight.
A little blogging music Maestro... Up Up and Away by The Fifth Dimension.
Dr. Forgot
Little Green Men from Phoenix: Another stunning victory for our U. S. space cadets. They’ve managed to land a vehicle called Phoenix on Mars. A news release from Hillary Clinton’s camp said the delegates from Mars supported her and demanded they be seated at the convention. In a speech beamed to Mars Senator Clinton said that as a child she was often green and that the term ”Red Planet” was coined by her grandfather, a half Montana, half Dakota Puerto Rican Indian. The speech also said that since there were no colleges on Mars it is clear that the population was part of her demographic stronghold.
There’s plenty of profit in being a prophet: FLDS leader and self proclaimed prophet Warren Jeffs is serving time in the hoosegow on an “Accomplice to rape” charge. Recent photos allegedly showed him kissing his new 12-year old bride. When asked what type of entertainment is available at the compound for all those wives Jeff responded, “In keeping with tradition, they wear prairie dresses and watch old movies like Lolita.” According to a search warrant Jeffs had spiritual marriages with four girls between the ages of 12 and 15. Yet Texas authorities sent all the children back to his church’s compound.
High cost of housing yields creative solutions: Foreclosures, housing debacles, and high rents are worldwide problems. A homeless woman in Japan discovered a reasonably priced solution to the problem. She sneaked into a house and lived undetected in a closet for a year. She’s since come out of the closet and into the jail cell after being arrested for trespass. She moved an air mattress into the closet and enjoyed all the comforts of home while the bachelor owner was at work. The joke is on society – she’s still receiving free room and board!
The absent-minded professor forgot to eat: I earned my moniker, Dr. Forgot by overlooking the minutia in life and focusing on things that had a higher priority. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. However, the prize for absent-minded professorship goes to Muata Kamdibe, a college professor who, as I say tongue-in-cheek, forgot to eat. On a trip to Las Vegas the English prof weighed himself and at over 300 pounds he nearly broke the scale. He started an exercise and diet regimen that cost him 133 pounds and a new body. Way to go prof.
U.S. Ariways cuts the nuts: In the 1950s and 60s flying was not only a status symbol it was a pleasure. Longer flights provided the finest cuisine served on linen placemats with linen table napkins and fine silver. Ah, those were the days. In the late 1970s Southwest airline identified a new market and began to offer cheap fares with no food except peanuts – just like

A little blogging music Maestro... Up Up and Away by The Fifth Dimension.
Dr. Forgot
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou?
Stupidity Left Untreated is Self Correcting
Was the fighter (pilot) also a lover?: Ah, Nevada politics. Some say that an honest politician is one who will stay bought. Maybe our politicians aren’t any wackier than those of other states, it just seems so. A candidate for Sheriff seems to have run a Ponzi scheme with his helicopter school, another was reportedly murdered by her husband, and a rising star in Nevada politics – a Notre Dame graduate and beauty queen - was charged with four felony counts. Our current governor is doing his best to become one of the wackiest politicians in recent memory.
Everybody loves a salacious saga: During his brief tenure to date the state’s deficit has ballooned to nearly $ 1 billion (with a B). The public yawned. Illegal immigrant maid kept in his basement. Ho hum. Appointed a banking lobbyist to run the Nevada Business and Industry Department - hardly a notice. Secret midnight swearing in ceremony - a one day story. And so it goes with a litany of bumbles, tumbles and ethical lapses. But bring in a potential sex scandal or two and the public loves it.
Jimbo and the bimbo: After then gubernatorial candidate and Mormon Gibbons finished getting soused with his campaign manager and a couple toadies at a bar/restaurant he staggered into the parking lot. There he saw the girl of his dreams. Long dark hair, big boobs and a pretty smile - the cocktail waitress who had come to his table earlier was alone. He walked her into the darkened parking garage then began to, uh, well, let us say, do more than just help find her Hummer. It was a great scandal for a week or two but tapes of the incident mysteriously disappeared and no charges were filed.
Heartache #2 was when you walked out on me: He won the election if not the gold medal for the wrestling event and moved into the governor’s mansion with wife Dawn. After half a year in the Big House, Governor Goofy packed his toiletries and overnight bag and left the Mansion in Dawn’s capable hands. Rumors began to swirl that “Jimmy has a girlfriend.” He denied it. Reports said this was an old high school chum. Of course the fact that she’s 20 years his junior meant either he holds the world’s record for flunking third grade, or it was a false report. Besides, the alleged “other woman” is the respected wife of a surgeon and former nanny (no, not the same as the illegal locked in the basement) and longtime friend. Guv Gibbo hurriedly had the divorce documents sealed from public view and prying eyes.
Wifey number two speaks: Long haired Dawn Gibbons was left behind like Rapunzel to wallow in the fine Mansion. Her lawyer responds to the affair: “The (other) woman has for years stalked the man who could give her the public persona and prestige that apparently she craves and for which she is willing to, concurrently, abandon her husband.” Stay tuned folks. This one has all the ingredients to become a staple on Fox news.
A little blogging music Maestro... Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey.
Dr. Forgot
Was the fighter (pilot) also a lover?: Ah, Nevada politics. Some say that an honest politician is one who will stay bought. Maybe our politicians aren’t any wackier than those of other states, it just seems so. A candidate for Sheriff seems to have run a Ponzi scheme with his helicopter school, another was reportedly murdered by her husband, and a rising star in Nevada politics – a Notre Dame graduate and beauty queen - was charged with four felony counts. Our current governor is doing his best to become one of the wackiest politicians in recent memory.
Everybody loves a salacious saga: During his brief tenure to date the state’s deficit has ballooned to nearly $ 1 billion (with a B). The public yawned. Illegal immigrant maid kept in his basement. Ho hum. Appointed a banking lobbyist to run the Nevada Business and Industry Department - hardly a notice. Secret midnight swearing in ceremony - a one day story. And so it goes with a litany of bumbles, tumbles and ethical lapses. But bring in a potential sex scandal or two and the public loves it.
Jimbo and the bimbo: After then gubernatorial candidate and Mormon Gibbons finished getting soused with his campaign manager and a couple toadies at a bar/restaurant he staggered into the parking lot. There he saw the girl of his dreams. Long dark hair, big boobs and a pretty smile - the cocktail waitress who had come to his table earlier was alone. He walked her into the darkened parking garage then began to, uh, well, let us say, do more than just help find her Hummer. It was a great scandal for a week or two but tapes of the incident mysteriously disappeared and no charges were filed.
Heartache #2 was when you walked out on me: He won the election if not the gold medal for the wrestling event and moved into the governor’s mansion with wife Dawn. After half a year in the Big House, Governor Goofy packed his toiletries and overnight bag and left the Mansion in Dawn’s capable hands. Rumors began to swirl that “Jimmy has a girlfriend.” He denied it. Reports said this was an old high school chum. Of course the fact that she’s 20 years his junior meant either he holds the world’s record for flunking third grade, or it was a false report. Besides, the alleged “other woman” is the respected wife of a surgeon and former nanny (no, not the same as the illegal locked in the basement) and longtime friend. Guv Gibbo hurriedly had the divorce documents sealed from public view and prying eyes.
Wifey number two speaks: Long haired Dawn Gibbons was left behind like Rapunzel to wallow in the fine Mansion. Her lawyer responds to the affair: “The (other) woman has for years stalked the man who could give her the public persona and prestige that apparently she craves and for which she is willing to, concurrently, abandon her husband.” Stay tuned folks. This one has all the ingredients to become a staple on Fox news.
A little blogging music Maestro... Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey.
Dr. Forgot
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Death is a Fact of Life
Mostly Personal – Goodbye Joe
Death is Nature’s way of telling us to slow down: I received an email today from a friend and high school classmate. Clairton High School was the pride of the area in the 1950s and 60s. It was one of the only schools in the area that boasted a swimming pool. The other was Mount Lebanon, home of the Blue Devils and all the rich kids. But Clairton’s students were mostly children of blue collar workers and grandchildren of immigrants – Italians, Slavs, Irish, Russians, and a host of other ethnicities including a healthy number of African Americans. Clairton was a microcosm of what American projected as its very being – a melting pot of people living for the most part in harmony.
U.S. Steel reigned supreme: Personal taxes in Clairton were low in large part because the biggest taxpayers were United States Steel and a chemical plant whose acronym spelled PICCO. Every kid in CHS who wanted to go to college applied for a PICCO scholarship and most families had at least one who was awarded. There were at least three movie theaters and more than a dozen car dealerships in the community of 20,000. Life was good in the village along the Monongehela River.
Diversity was economic as well: Although most parents of Clairton High School students were blue collar workers in one of the nearby steel mills, rural kids were bused in from nearby Elrama and Finleyville and a trailer park in Large. Uppity kids whose parents’ were upper middle class drove their own cars to school from the hoity toity community of Pleasant Hills. Together CHS students won championships and awards and left high school for college, service, or marriage and for the most part did not return. Such was the composition of CHS in the 1950s and 60s.
Class Leadership: The CHS Class of 1960 had strong leadership. President Joe Ancrile, VEEP Jim Schultz, Stephanie Grunsky and Mary Lou Skapik were class officers. The Reunion Committee has arranged well attended class reunions every half decade for nearly 50 years. Robert White became an attorney and M.C. in residence. Class graduates included successes in all fields including parenting.
The Other Side of Life: The CHS Class of 1960 had its sad side as well. Mickey Hrvacic drowned before graduation, Connie Bindrum was killed in an auto accident, Allen Lancaster died of a debilitating disease.... all told, more than 40 classmates are gone. The most recent, according to an email I received today from Donna Lancianese Lajak, is class president Joe Ancrile. Rest in Peace, classmates. You’ve left a proud legacy.
A little blogging music Maestro... From the Clairton High School Alma Mater: “... With loyalty unfailing, And love that shall not die.”
Dr. Forgot
Death is Nature’s way of telling us to slow down: I received an email today from a friend and high school classmate. Clairton High School was the pride of the area in the 1950s and 60s. It was one of the only schools in the area that boasted a swimming pool. The other was Mount Lebanon, home of the Blue Devils and all the rich kids. But Clairton’s students were mostly children of blue collar workers and grandchildren of immigrants – Italians, Slavs, Irish, Russians, and a host of other ethnicities including a healthy number of African Americans. Clairton was a microcosm of what American projected as its very being – a melting pot of people living for the most part in harmony.
U.S. Steel reigned supreme: Personal taxes in Clairton were low in large part because the biggest taxpayers were United States Steel and a chemical plant whose acronym spelled PICCO. Every kid in CHS who wanted to go to college applied for a PICCO scholarship and most families had at least one who was awarded. There were at least three movie theaters and more than a dozen car dealerships in the community of 20,000. Life was good in the village along the Monongehela River.
Diversity was economic as well: Although most parents of Clairton High School students were blue collar workers in one of the nearby steel mills, rural kids were bused in from nearby Elrama and Finleyville and a trailer park in Large. Uppity kids whose parents’ were upper middle class drove their own cars to school from the hoity toity community of Pleasant Hills. Together CHS students won championships and awards and left high school for college, service, or marriage and for the most part did not return. Such was the composition of CHS in the 1950s and 60s.
Class Leadership: The CHS Class of 1960 had strong leadership. President Joe Ancrile, VEEP Jim Schultz, Stephanie Grunsky and Mary Lou Skapik were class officers. The Reunion Committee has arranged well attended class reunions every half decade for nearly 50 years. Robert White became an attorney and M.C. in residence. Class graduates included successes in all fields including parenting.
The Other Side of Life: The CHS Class of 1960 had its sad side as well. Mickey Hrvacic drowned before graduation, Connie Bindrum was killed in an auto accident, Allen Lancaster died of a debilitating disease.... all told, more than 40 classmates are gone. The most recent, according to an email I received today from Donna Lancianese Lajak, is class president Joe Ancrile. Rest in Peace, classmates. You’ve left a proud legacy.
A little blogging music Maestro... From the Clairton High School Alma Mater: “... With loyalty unfailing, And love that shall not die.”
Dr. Forgot
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
I Dream of Fathering a Child who asks, “Daddy, What is War?”
Who is Maggie Lockridge?: A good friend of mine, Jim Wilson introduced me to Maggie Lockridge. Who is Maggie? She’s just a dynamo of a woman who founded the Iraq Star Foundation, To quote Maggie, “The statistics are grim. More than 24,000* brave men and women have returned wounded from Iraq. They must now face the daunting challenge of recovery. The military will replace the missing arms and legs with prosthetics, provide the initial surgeries to close the wounds and grafts to replace the burned flesh, striving tirelessly to make our veterans functional people. But the fact stands that terrible scarring from shrapnel, burns, and wound trauma remain. Surgeries are still needed to help our veterans gain back their pre-war lives, to assist them in holding their heads high, and help them return to their homes and careers.” Visit Maggie’s site and offer your help. They fought for you. Now it’s your turn. *the numbers have since passed 30,000 wounded
Although she won’t admit it: Maggie Lockridge is herself a hero – or heroine if you are of a more traditional ilk. Maggie is a registered nurse, an air force veteran, and former owner of a plastic surgery recovery center. Thanks to her tireless efforts Iraq Star now consists of more than 140 reconstructive surgeons and plastic surge
ons in more than 28 states who volunteer their time. Still, Maggie needs your help, for even with the donated time of the surgeons each reconstructive surgery can cost up to $ 10,000. I urge you to go to her web page noted above. Additional information on Maggie can be found at and
Memorial Day Facts: Following the Civil War many communities set aside a day as a memorial to honor those who died. In 1868 the custom of decorating graves of fallen soldiers changed the name to Decoration Day. Several southern states refused to use the term “Decoration Day” so it was changed to “Memorial Day” around 1882, although many continued to refer to it as “Decoration Day.” In 1968 Memorial Day was officially declared a national holiday.
Veteran Facts by the Numbers: There are more than 25 million living veterans in the United States according to Statistical Abstracts. Of that number nearly two million are women. More than 10 million have passed their 65th birthday. Viet Nam veterans number more than 8 million and represent one of every three U.S. veterans. Women account for 2% of Korean War veterans, 3% of Viet Nam vets, 5% of World War II vets, and 16% of Gulf War vets. No data are available for the number of women among Iraq war veterans. What do California, Florida, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio have in common? All have sent more than one million veterans to protect our country. This is a perfect time to mention the G.I. Bill, recently passed by the senate. Here’s hoping it will pass the House as well.
On a personal note, I had the honor of knowing one Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Capt. Reginald Desiderio of Clairton, PA was posthumously awarded the medal during the Korean war.
A little blogging music Maestro... One more time with Kate Smith singing “God Bless America.”
Dr. Forgot
Who is Maggie Lockridge?: A good friend of mine, Jim Wilson introduced me to Maggie Lockridge. Who is Maggie? She’s just a dynamo of a woman who founded the Iraq Star Foundation, To quote Maggie, “The statistics are grim. More than 24,000* brave men and women have returned wounded from Iraq. They must now face the daunting challenge of recovery. The military will replace the missing arms and legs with prosthetics, provide the initial surgeries to close the wounds and grafts to replace the burned flesh, striving tirelessly to make our veterans functional people. But the fact stands that terrible scarring from shrapnel, burns, and wound trauma remain. Surgeries are still needed to help our veterans gain back their pre-war lives, to assist them in holding their heads high, and help them return to their homes and careers.” Visit Maggie’s site and offer your help. They fought for you. Now it’s your turn. *the numbers have since passed 30,000 wounded
Although she won’t admit it: Maggie Lockridge is herself a hero – or heroine if you are of a more traditional ilk. Maggie is a registered nurse, an air force veteran, and former owner of a plastic surgery recovery center. Thanks to her tireless efforts Iraq Star now consists of more than 140 reconstructive surgeons and plastic surge

Memorial Day Facts: Following the Civil War many communities set aside a day as a memorial to honor those who died. In 1868 the custom of decorating graves of fallen soldiers changed the name to Decoration Day. Several southern states refused to use the term “Decoration Day” so it was changed to “Memorial Day” around 1882, although many continued to refer to it as “Decoration Day.” In 1968 Memorial Day was officially declared a national holiday.
Veteran Facts by the Numbers: There are more than 25 million living veterans in the United States according to Statistical Abstracts. Of that number nearly two million are women. More than 10 million have passed their 65th birthday. Viet Nam veterans number more than 8 million and represent one of every three U.S. veterans. Women account for 2% of Korean War veterans, 3% of Viet Nam vets, 5% of World War II vets, and 16% of Gulf War vets. No data are available for the number of women among Iraq war veterans. What do California, Florida, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio have in common? All have sent more than one million veterans to protect our country. This is a perfect time to mention the G.I. Bill, recently passed by the senate. Here’s hoping it will pass the House as well.
On a personal note, I had the honor of knowing one Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Capt. Reginald Desiderio of Clairton, PA was posthumously awarded the medal during the Korean war.
A little blogging music Maestro... One more time with Kate Smith singing “God Bless America.”
Dr. Forgot
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Las Vegas Weekend
What Happens in Vegas
Weekend Update, Las Vegas: Passing the fire doesn’t mean you must get burned. Native Americans have a custom of “passing the embers” when they move from one place to another. “Famous Dave” Anderson will include his heritage’s custom when her opens his newest “Famous Dave’s Barbeque” Tuesday with a rib cutting ceremony for his newest Famous Dave’s Barbeque on Blue Diamond and 215. Dave started his famous BBQ in Wisconsin and has transferred the good luck embers to each new location. He will offer free tastes to the public and provide support to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. More info at:
Speaking of good food: Mrs. Dr. Forgot Forgot and I stumbled upon a new eating place recently. Makino is a Japanese restaurant that features what they claim to be the world’s best sushi- 60 different varieties. If you limit yourself to sushi, however, you’re missing the fishing boat. A phenomenal variety of salads are also available as well as hot dishes with a vast array of fish, all so fresh that you might have to slap it. The dessert selections range from yummy chocolate dipped large strawberries to individual servings of crème brule, tiramisu, green tea ice cream and others. It is served buffet style.
Speaking of green tea, their Makino green tea is the absolute best. It tastes so good it can’t be healthy. But it is. More info at: or
Napa Comes to the Ritz: Grgich Hills Estate winery in Napa Valley has a fascinating history. The Grgich is named for its founder, a Croatian immigrant whose Chardonay became the first award winning wine to best the French wines in France. The Hills refers not to the location but to the angel who helped Mr. Grgich found the winery - as in Hills Brothers Coffee. Daughter Violet Grgich brings some of their products to Lake Las Vegas for a winw tasting. But unlike your normal cheese and crackerwine tasting, this onw will include a full five-course meal with wine pairings for each course. Dinner will be served June 11 at 6 p.m. More info at 702.567.4600.
AAA knows best – or not: The American Automobile Association paints a grim picture of the Memorial Holiday according to local media outlets. AAA says high gas prices and chillier than usual weather will keep crowds down. The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is expecting over 300,000. I’d bet on the LVCVA. They are the local experts and their projections are usually right on the money.
Getting to the Root of politics: Wayne Allen Root is the Unknown Candidate, but don’t tell him that. The admitted health nut consumes 85 vitamins, herbs, and supplements each day. His goal is to become the presidential candidate of the Libertarian party. Root can be accused of being a Donald Trump lookalike He’s a self-proclaimed oddsmaker and wannabe politician who will attend the Denver convention in hopes of becoming the third=party candidate. But his bid for the nomination will be more difficult than Hillary’s since ex=Republican Texan Bob Barr jumped into the race. Root has big dreams but clearly the odds do not favor this oddsmaker.
A little blogging music Maestro... Our usual weekend rendition of “Viva Las Vegas."
Dr. Forgot
Weekend Update, Las Vegas: Passing the fire doesn’t mean you must get burned. Native Americans have a custom of “passing the embers” when they move from one place to another. “Famous Dave” Anderson will include his heritage’s custom when her opens his newest “Famous Dave’s Barbeque” Tuesday with a rib cutting ceremony for his newest Famous Dave’s Barbeque on Blue Diamond and 215. Dave started his famous BBQ in Wisconsin and has transferred the good luck embers to each new location. He will offer free tastes to the public and provide support to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. More info at:
Speaking of good food: Mrs. Dr. Forgot Forgot and I stumbled upon a new eating place recently. Makino is a Japanese restaurant that features what they claim to be the world’s best sushi- 60 different varieties. If you limit yourself to sushi, however, you’re missing the fishing boat. A phenomenal variety of salads are also available as well as hot dishes with a vast array of fish, all so fresh that you might have to slap it. The dessert selections range from yummy chocolate dipped large strawberries to individual servings of crème brule, tiramisu, green tea ice cream and others. It is served buffet style.
Speaking of green tea, their Makino green tea is the absolute best. It tastes so good it can’t be healthy. But it is. More info at: or
Napa Comes to the Ritz: Grgich Hills Estate winery in Napa Valley has a fascinating history. The Grgich is named for its founder, a Croatian immigrant whose Chardonay became the first award winning wine to best the French wines in France. The Hills refers not to the location but to the angel who helped Mr. Grgich found the winery - as in Hills Brothers Coffee. Daughter Violet Grgich brings some of their products to Lake Las Vegas for a winw tasting. But unlike your normal cheese and crackerwine tasting, this onw will include a full five-course meal with wine pairings for each course. Dinner will be served June 11 at 6 p.m. More info at 702.567.4600.
AAA knows best – or not: The American Automobile Association paints a grim picture of the Memorial Holiday according to local media outlets. AAA says high gas prices and chillier than usual weather will keep crowds down. The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is expecting over 300,000. I’d bet on the LVCVA. They are the local experts and their projections are usually right on the money.
Getting to the Root of politics: Wayne Allen Root is the Unknown Candidate, but don’t tell him that. The admitted health nut consumes 85 vitamins, herbs, and supplements each day. His goal is to become the presidential candidate of the Libertarian party. Root can be accused of being a Donald Trump lookalike He’s a self-proclaimed oddsmaker and wannabe politician who will attend the Denver convention in hopes of becoming the third=party candidate. But his bid for the nomination will be more difficult than Hillary’s since ex=Republican Texan Bob Barr jumped into the race. Root has big dreams but clearly the odds do not favor this oddsmaker.
A little blogging music Maestro... Our usual weekend rendition of “Viva Las Vegas."
Dr. Forgot
Friday, May 23, 2008
Trouble in Carson City
Music Man Ditty Updated
Trouble in Carson City: One of my favorite musicals is “The Music Man.” One song in particular, “Trouble in River City” tells of problems in a bucolic little town. Nevada’s capital, Carson City, is the home (more or less) of Governor Jim Gibbons, former Delta Airlines pilot who was reportedly fired by Delta for missing too much work, then rehired after a reported ethical lapse over some alleged favors over a fuel tax. During his gubernatorial campaign there were allegations of his forcing affections on a cocktail waitress after a bout of drinking, and once in office, he left his wife and moved out of his home (the guv’s mansion, that is). A presidential election is coming soon. This is just too good not to have a song about, so in deference to Professor Howard Hill, we’ll do our own version of “Trouble in Carson City:
Well, either you’re closing your eyes to a series of fiascos you do not wish to acknowledge or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster in the State of Nevada by a Governor who reached a 28% approval rating in just five, count ‘em f-i-v-e months – a feat that took our President five YEARS to accomplish! You’ve got trouble, friend, right here in Carson City. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with G and that stands for “Guv.”
Sure I’m a voter. Mighty proud to say I’m mighty proud to take part in my right as an American citizen. Why I proudly display my “I Voted Early” sticker on the front window of my eco-friendly desert dwelling. I consider the hours spent researching political candidates and issues as golden. Helps you cultivate horse sense and a keen eye to read the ballot and eliminate any possibility of a hanging chad.
But just as I say it takes judgment, brains, and maturity to properly serve the people of the great state of Nevada, I say any fool can trick the public into getting elected. And I call that Nevada politics. The first big step on the road to feeding off the lobbyists of Washington Dee Cee.
I say to you, first it is a sip of wine at dinner with a group of friends, then after each one has ordered a round of booze you end up in a wrestling match with a cocktail waitress and try to blame it on not being able to find your car in a dark parking garage.
And the next thing you know he’s been voted into office and the state ends up with a half billion dollar deficit. Friends, you done elected a buffoon, that’s buffoon with a capital B and that rhymes with G and that stands for Guv.
Then week after week he gets to fritterin’ I say, fritterin away his time on the Official State Computer, going to the web sites of his old cronies who take him on vacation and treat him royally, which some say is in exchange for political favors. Yes, friends, you’ve elected a governor that’s ethically challenged, I say challenged with a capital C and that rhymes with G and that stands for Guv.
But wait, there’s more. Amid his budget slashing and taking money from schoolchildren the Guv decided to move out of the mansion and left Dawn to run the house. She asked what he was doing and he replied that he wants a divorce. A divorce, friends, with a capital D and that rhymes with G and that stands for Guv.
Voters of Carson City, heed the warning before it is too late. Watch for the telltale signs of corruption. An election is coming up this fall. Does your candidate have a record of being wined and dined by lobbyists? Has he or she made promises to the constituency that cannot be kept? Then has dinner with big donors whose huge donations help to renege on those promises? And do certain words creep into the conversation? Words like, “Tax cuts,” and “Big oil profits.” If so, you’ve got trouble friends. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with E and that stands for Election.
So the next time an opportunity arises to vote for a candidate, don’t get fooled. Demand more disclosure. That’s disclosure with a capital D and... well, you get the idea.
A little blogging music Maestro.... Kate Smith singing “God Bless America.”
Dr. Forgot
Trouble in Carson City: One of my favorite musicals is “The Music Man.” One song in particular, “Trouble in River City” tells of problems in a bucolic little town. Nevada’s capital, Carson City, is the home (more or less) of Governor Jim Gibbons, former Delta Airlines pilot who was reportedly fired by Delta for missing too much work, then rehired after a reported ethical lapse over some alleged favors over a fuel tax. During his gubernatorial campaign there were allegations of his forcing affections on a cocktail waitress after a bout of drinking, and once in office, he left his wife and moved out of his home (the guv’s mansion, that is). A presidential election is coming soon. This is just too good not to have a song about, so in deference to Professor Howard Hill, we’ll do our own version of “Trouble in Carson City:
Well, either you’re closing your eyes to a series of fiascos you do not wish to acknowledge or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster in the State of Nevada by a Governor who reached a 28% approval rating in just five, count ‘em f-i-v-e months – a feat that took our President five YEARS to accomplish! You’ve got trouble, friend, right here in Carson City. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with G and that stands for “Guv.”
Sure I’m a voter. Mighty proud to say I’m mighty proud to take part in my right as an American citizen. Why I proudly display my “I Voted Early” sticker on the front window of my eco-friendly desert dwelling. I consider the hours spent researching political candidates and issues as golden. Helps you cultivate horse sense and a keen eye to read the ballot and eliminate any possibility of a hanging chad.
But just as I say it takes judgment, brains, and maturity to properly serve the people of the great state of Nevada, I say any fool can trick the public into getting elected. And I call that Nevada politics. The first big step on the road to feeding off the lobbyists of Washington Dee Cee.
I say to you, first it is a sip of wine at dinner with a group of friends, then after each one has ordered a round of booze you end up in a wrestling match with a cocktail waitress and try to blame it on not being able to find your car in a dark parking garage.
And the next thing you know he’s been voted into office and the state ends up with a half billion dollar deficit. Friends, you done elected a buffoon, that’s buffoon with a capital B and that rhymes with G and that stands for Guv.
Then week after week he gets to fritterin’ I say, fritterin away his time on the Official State Computer, going to the web sites of his old cronies who take him on vacation and treat him royally, which some say is in exchange for political favors. Yes, friends, you’ve elected a governor that’s ethically challenged, I say challenged with a capital C and that rhymes with G and that stands for Guv.
But wait, there’s more. Amid his budget slashing and taking money from schoolchildren the Guv decided to move out of the mansion and left Dawn to run the house. She asked what he was doing and he replied that he wants a divorce. A divorce, friends, with a capital D and that rhymes with G and that stands for Guv.
Voters of Carson City, heed the warning before it is too late. Watch for the telltale signs of corruption. An election is coming up this fall. Does your candidate have a record of being wined and dined by lobbyists? Has he or she made promises to the constituency that cannot be kept? Then has dinner with big donors whose huge donations help to renege on those promises? And do certain words creep into the conversation? Words like, “Tax cuts,” and “Big oil profits.” If so, you’ve got trouble friends. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with E and that stands for Election.
So the next time an opportunity arises to vote for a candidate, don’t get fooled. Demand more disclosure. That’s disclosure with a capital D and... well, you get the idea.
A little blogging music Maestro.... Kate Smith singing “God Bless America.”
Dr. Forgot
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Glass Menagerie
She Stoops To Conquer
Raising Your Voice Lowers Your Dignity: Probably nothing should surprise us when it comes to politics. America has boasted of its melting pot standing for decades. Inside a melting pot is a, dare I say, olio? We are a nation of “people of color.” It rankles me when one ethnic group uses that descriptor for its own. People of color come in every hue – black, brown, red, yellow, bronze, and oh yes, white. The melting pot includes males, females, hermaphrodites, gays, straights, asexual, Christians, Muslims, other types of theists, atheists, and immigrants from every country and even countries that no longer exist. Every person who arrived in this great country had to be true to their individuality while attempting to blend into the vaguely defined mainstream. Every group has had a glass ceiling to break through.
Discrimination is not limited to race and gender: The American society is based on equality. That is sometimes a difficult concept to grasp; since we are all different, how can we all be equal? Equality means equal opportunity and freedom allows for those consenting adults to opt to not to follow the path of equality. An example currently in the news is the women of a polygamous sect. If they choose to live as “sister wives” American freedom allows them to do so provided no laws are broken. Yet every group that is different from the mainstream – whether that difference is racial, gender, ethnic, religious, or any other defining characteristic – has had to fight for equality.
Dogs and Irish Keep Off The Grass: Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. American Indian tribes discriminated against each other. Early settlers discriminated against the Indians, Jews, Irish, Slavs, Chinese, Africans, Japanese, Arabs, and nearly all religious groups faced a glass ceiling. Some broke it with the help of anti-discrimination laws, others by having members of their group become prominent and increased in number to become part of the mainstream. But although many groups have broken through that mythical glass ceiling others still crash against it for the process is a slow, tedious, and often frustrating one.
Hillary, Geraldine, and the Glass Ceiling: One of Hillary Clinton’s surrogates, herself once a vice presidential candidate, has made the talk show circuit claiming blatant gender discrimination by the Obama camp toward Senator Clinton. The surrogate implies that the so-called glass ceiling is keeping her candidate from winning the nomination. News flash for the surrogate and the Clinton camp: the very fact that Hillary is a viable competitive candidate shows that the barrier that would keep women from the highest office in the land has been breached. To suggest that she should be elected BECAUSE she is a woman, or for that matter that Senator Obama should be elected BECAUSE he is the first African American to run is to perpetuate the very discrimination against which she rails.
May the best... uh, Person Win: The Clinton campaign needs to refocus from crying to campaigning. Moving the goalposts to suit your strengths is a strategy I find unsavory, but it seems to be working for her. She has become a much better campaigner and her abrasive factor has smoothed considerably. If she wins the nomination it needs to be because she ran a better campaign – not because the sleaze factors of whining, devisiveness and mudslinging boosted her numbers.
A little blogging music Maestro.... “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” by Elton John.
Dr. Forgot
Raising Your Voice Lowers Your Dignity: Probably nothing should surprise us when it comes to politics. America has boasted of its melting pot standing for decades. Inside a melting pot is a, dare I say, olio? We are a nation of “people of color.” It rankles me when one ethnic group uses that descriptor for its own. People of color come in every hue – black, brown, red, yellow, bronze, and oh yes, white. The melting pot includes males, females, hermaphrodites, gays, straights, asexual, Christians, Muslims, other types of theists, atheists, and immigrants from every country and even countries that no longer exist. Every person who arrived in this great country had to be true to their individuality while attempting to blend into the vaguely defined mainstream. Every group has had a glass ceiling to break through.
Discrimination is not limited to race and gender: The American society is based on equality. That is sometimes a difficult concept to grasp; since we are all different, how can we all be equal? Equality means equal opportunity and freedom allows for those consenting adults to opt to not to follow the path of equality. An example currently in the news is the women of a polygamous sect. If they choose to live as “sister wives” American freedom allows them to do so provided no laws are broken. Yet every group that is different from the mainstream – whether that difference is racial, gender, ethnic, religious, or any other defining characteristic – has had to fight for equality.
Dogs and Irish Keep Off The Grass: Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. American Indian tribes discriminated against each other. Early settlers discriminated against the Indians, Jews, Irish, Slavs, Chinese, Africans, Japanese, Arabs, and nearly all religious groups faced a glass ceiling. Some broke it with the help of anti-discrimination laws, others by having members of their group become prominent and increased in number to become part of the mainstream. But although many groups have broken through that mythical glass ceiling others still crash against it for the process is a slow, tedious, and often frustrating one.
Hillary, Geraldine, and the Glass Ceiling: One of Hillary Clinton’s surrogates, herself once a vice presidential candidate, has made the talk show circuit claiming blatant gender discrimination by the Obama camp toward Senator Clinton. The surrogate implies that the so-called glass ceiling is keeping her candidate from winning the nomination. News flash for the surrogate and the Clinton camp: the very fact that Hillary is a viable competitive candidate shows that the barrier that would keep women from the highest office in the land has been breached. To suggest that she should be elected BECAUSE she is a woman, or for that matter that Senator Obama should be elected BECAUSE he is the first African American to run is to perpetuate the very discrimination against which she rails.
May the best... uh, Person Win: The Clinton campaign needs to refocus from crying to campaigning. Moving the goalposts to suit your strengths is a strategy I find unsavory, but it seems to be working for her. She has become a much better campaigner and her abrasive factor has smoothed considerably. If she wins the nomination it needs to be because she ran a better campaign – not because the sleaze factors of whining, devisiveness and mudslinging boosted her numbers.
A little blogging music Maestro.... “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” by Elton John.
Dr. Forgot
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Week that is.
The More You Talk in Peace, The Less You Bleed in War
Going to the Candidate’s Debate: The war of words is on between the Old Warrior and the Young Lion. Should we talk or should we not. We did it once but I forgot. The candidates are using the airwaves as an informal debate venue. I’ve always seen myself as a bit of an iconoclast. Protocol is nice when it let’s everybody know what the rules are, but it can become downright silly. Who talks to whom? Secretary, Director, Assistant, Surrogate? We Americans get so caught up in trying to be like the Olde English while proclaiming our independence from their archaic ways that we sometimes befuddle ourselves. So we sink to the lowest common denominator: the Rove factor. Attack, besmirch, demean, and enough uneducated, naïve, too lazy or unable to think for themselves people will buy your smoke screen to enable you to win again.
Long May She Wave: Another of the Rove Factor tricks is the “Hey! Look at that” while your walled gets snatched. Rather than discuss things like, oh, I don’t know, the economy, the gas crisis, the housing crisis, the war in Iraq, let’s make an issue of whether or not the opponent is wearing a flag lapel pin. Commentator Roland Martin sticks his tongue firmly in his cheek and suggests that perhaps the wearing of a flag lapel pin should become the 28th amendment. I’ll go one step further – let’s do a constitutional amendment that would be less sexist – an American flag should be tattooed in every God-fearing patriotic American – male and female.
Not so Happy Birthday: Remember David Patterson? He was the nondescript politician from New York that Elliot Sptizer made famous by renting the services of a young hussy for $ 5,000. When the Guv took a swan dive David Patterson set several records as a governor as the first African American New Your governor and being legally blind. To celebrate his 54th birthday the New New York Guv had surgery for glaucoma. We wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn’t take one more step: Our heart goes out to Senator Ted Kennedy who just moments ago was formally diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor which caused his recent seizure. The news shocked Americans as the robust Senator since 1972 showed no signs of illness. Our prayers are with him.
A little blogging music Maestro.... “Get Well Soon” by Reggie and the Full Effect.
Dr. Forgot
Going to the Candidate’s Debate: The war of words is on between the Old Warrior and the Young Lion. Should we talk or should we not. We did it once but I forgot. The candidates are using the airwaves as an informal debate venue. I’ve always seen myself as a bit of an iconoclast. Protocol is nice when it let’s everybody know what the rules are, but it can become downright silly. Who talks to whom? Secretary, Director, Assistant, Surrogate? We Americans get so caught up in trying to be like the Olde English while proclaiming our independence from their archaic ways that we sometimes befuddle ourselves. So we sink to the lowest common denominator: the Rove factor. Attack, besmirch, demean, and enough uneducated, naïve, too lazy or unable to think for themselves people will buy your smoke screen to enable you to win again.
Long May She Wave: Another of the Rove Factor tricks is the “Hey! Look at that” while your walled gets snatched. Rather than discuss things like, oh, I don’t know, the economy, the gas crisis, the housing crisis, the war in Iraq, let’s make an issue of whether or not the opponent is wearing a flag lapel pin. Commentator Roland Martin sticks his tongue firmly in his cheek and suggests that perhaps the wearing of a flag lapel pin should become the 28th amendment. I’ll go one step further – let’s do a constitutional amendment that would be less sexist – an American flag should be tattooed in every God-fearing patriotic American – male and female.
Not so Happy Birthday: Remember David Patterson? He was the nondescript politician from New York that Elliot Sptizer made famous by renting the services of a young hussy for $ 5,000. When the Guv took a swan dive David Patterson set several records as a governor as the first African American New Your governor and being legally blind. To celebrate his 54th birthday the New New York Guv had surgery for glaucoma. We wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
Bad news on the doorstep, I couldn’t take one more step: Our heart goes out to Senator Ted Kennedy who just moments ago was formally diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor which caused his recent seizure. The news shocked Americans as the robust Senator since 1972 showed no signs of illness. Our prayers are with him.
A little blogging music Maestro.... “Get Well Soon” by Reggie and the Full Effect.
Dr. Forgot
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Heavyweights
Take a Risk: Winning = Happiness, Losing = Wisdom
Weekend Tailgate in Oregon: Suppose they gave a war and nobody came. Suppose there was a candidate rally for presidential candidate Barack Obama and nobody came. Neither is very likely. Senator Obama held a rally in Portland that drew more than 75,000 attendees. To put that into perspective, attendance at the rally exceeded the capacity of the football stadiums at University of Oregon, Oregon State University, and Portland State University. Why wasn’t the rally held at Portland State’s football stadium, PGE Park – a common venue for concerts, hockey, and baseball as well as football? Because the crowd that showed up to cheer for Obama exceeded PGE Park’s capacity by 300%. Such a groundswell for a politico has not been seen in this country ever. Senator Obama is not only a candidate, he is a phenomenon.
The Fight of the Heavyweights Has Begun: One look at Barack Obama reveals that he is anything but a heavyweight in the boxing ring. His bowling skills are more than suspect and although he’s fairly agile on the basketball court for a man his age, he has a weak jump shot. John McCain, on the other hand has some physical limitations that would keep him 4-F in the boxing arena but the ex-fighter pilot and POW survivor knows something about fighting. The two have begun to square off with Previews of Coming Attractions in their back-and-forth Iran and foreign policy banter.
Was His Strategy With Clinton Rope-A-Dope?: Mohamed Ali made the rope-a-dope strategy famous when he toyed with his opponent without landing any substantial punches but winning on points. Senator Obama applied a similar strategy against Senator Clinton. When she attacked him he responded in a kinder, gentler fashion. Some thought he could not throw a punch, but it now appears he was reluctant to strike back hard at a woman, despite the ranting of Gerald Ferarro. Perhaps he was, as Champ Ali did, saving his energy for the big fight. We’ve seen him hit back hard against the Bush/McCain policies.
Other Weekend News and Views: The country breathed a collective sigh of relief as Ted Kennedy, appeared to have had a stroke in the very same house as his father. Looks not too serious. Wacky weather hits, the east, the west, the Midwest and the south. We used to blame it on the communists. Today global warming is the culprit. Stupidity can kill. Three guys in California thought it would be fun to bury a homeless drunken women in the sand. They did. She died. Miami Heat Guard Dwyane Wade gave his Mom an unusual gift – her very own church so she could minister to those less fortunate.
A little blogging music Maestro.... “Give Me that Old Time Religion”
Dr. Forgot
Weekend Tailgate in Oregon: Suppose they gave a war and nobody came. Suppose there was a candidate rally for presidential candidate Barack Obama and nobody came. Neither is very likely. Senator Obama held a rally in Portland that drew more than 75,000 attendees. To put that into perspective, attendance at the rally exceeded the capacity of the football stadiums at University of Oregon, Oregon State University, and Portland State University. Why wasn’t the rally held at Portland State’s football stadium, PGE Park – a common venue for concerts, hockey, and baseball as well as football? Because the crowd that showed up to cheer for Obama exceeded PGE Park’s capacity by 300%. Such a groundswell for a politico has not been seen in this country ever. Senator Obama is not only a candidate, he is a phenomenon.
The Fight of the Heavyweights Has Begun: One look at Barack Obama reveals that he is anything but a heavyweight in the boxing ring. His bowling skills are more than suspect and although he’s fairly agile on the basketball court for a man his age, he has a weak jump shot. John McCain, on the other hand has some physical limitations that would keep him 4-F in the boxing arena but the ex-fighter pilot and POW survivor knows something about fighting. The two have begun to square off with Previews of Coming Attractions in their back-and-forth Iran and foreign policy banter.
Was His Strategy With Clinton Rope-A-Dope?: Mohamed Ali made the rope-a-dope strategy famous when he toyed with his opponent without landing any substantial punches but winning on points. Senator Obama applied a similar strategy against Senator Clinton. When she attacked him he responded in a kinder, gentler fashion. Some thought he could not throw a punch, but it now appears he was reluctant to strike back hard at a woman, despite the ranting of Gerald Ferarro. Perhaps he was, as Champ Ali did, saving his energy for the big fight. We’ve seen him hit back hard against the Bush/McCain policies.
Other Weekend News and Views: The country breathed a collective sigh of relief as Ted Kennedy, appeared to have had a stroke in the very same house as his father. Looks not too serious. Wacky weather hits, the east, the west, the Midwest and the south. We used to blame it on the communists. Today global warming is the culprit. Stupidity can kill. Three guys in California thought it would be fun to bury a homeless drunken women in the sand. They did. She died. Miami Heat Guard Dwyane Wade gave his Mom an unusual gift – her very own church so she could minister to those less fortunate.
A little blogging music Maestro.... “Give Me that Old Time Religion”
Dr. Forgot
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Las Vegas Weekend
Weekends in Vegas
Good Old Days - Jacksons vs. Osmonds: Oh for a bit of history. The Jackson Five burst on the scene a few decades ago with little brother Michael who grew into one of the biggest pop stars in music history. The Osmonds had a TV show that featured Donny and Marie, then seemed to disappear. Fast forward to 2008. Michale Jackson has had his troubles and is reportedly hiding out in the Middle East, the rest of the family are, as we used to say, “doing their thing,” and the Osmonds are soon to be playing Vegas! Flamingo Las Vegas announced that Donny and Marie will present a 90 minute show on a custom designed stage. They will sing their greatest hits backed by multiple video screens and a troupe of dancers. This will be the first time in three decades that they’ve done an extended gig in Vegas. More info at
Toity Poiple Boids, Sittin’ on a Coib: If you ever lived in New Joisey you’d understand that intro. If not, well you surely have enjoyed listening to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons (think She-e-e-rie Baby). The unlikely road to stardom has been captured in the wildly popular “Jersey Boys.” The group wrote its own songs that sold over 175 million copies before any of them hit age 30. The musical is now playing at Palazzo. More info at
Everybody Comes to Las Vegas: Travel Industry Association’s 40th Annual Powwow comes to the Valley of the Dollars next week. More than 1,000 travel originations from every corner of the country will meet at the Convention Center. 1,500 international and domestic buyers from more than 70 countries will discuss how to direct the $ 3.5 billion travel industry they control. Their days will be spent in the Convention Center but nights will include visits to local attractions, excursions, and dining with local media. More info at
Dying is easy, comedy is hard: Las Vegas is the place to play if you are an entertainer. Over the years venues for comics trying to break in have dwindled. Workshops and comedy clubs are not as plentiful as they once were. Once a comic gets some traction, is still difficult to find venues outside hotel big rooms to try routines and polish material. The Fitzgerald downtown is addressing the issue. Next week Comedy After Hours will showcase some of the country’s top comedic talent. Three cheers for Fitzgerald’s for providing such a venue. It is worth the walk to the second floor – OK, take the elevator if you must. More info at 702.388.2400.
A little blogging music Maestro.... How about Elvis one more time with “Viva Las Vegas.”
Dr. Forgot
Good Old Days - Jacksons vs. Osmonds: Oh for a bit of history. The Jackson Five burst on the scene a few decades ago with little brother Michael who grew into one of the biggest pop stars in music history. The Osmonds had a TV show that featured Donny and Marie, then seemed to disappear. Fast forward to 2008. Michale Jackson has had his troubles and is reportedly hiding out in the Middle East, the rest of the family are, as we used to say, “doing their thing,” and the Osmonds are soon to be playing Vegas! Flamingo Las Vegas announced that Donny and Marie will present a 90 minute show on a custom designed stage. They will sing their greatest hits backed by multiple video screens and a troupe of dancers. This will be the first time in three decades that they’ve done an extended gig in Vegas. More info at
Toity Poiple Boids, Sittin’ on a Coib: If you ever lived in New Joisey you’d understand that intro. If not, well you surely have enjoyed listening to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons (think She-e-e-rie Baby). The unlikely road to stardom has been captured in the wildly popular “Jersey Boys.” The group wrote its own songs that sold over 175 million copies before any of them hit age 30. The musical is now playing at Palazzo. More info at
Everybody Comes to Las Vegas: Travel Industry Association’s 40th Annual Powwow comes to the Valley of the Dollars next week. More than 1,000 travel originations from every corner of the country will meet at the Convention Center. 1,500 international and domestic buyers from more than 70 countries will discuss how to direct the $ 3.5 billion travel industry they control. Their days will be spent in the Convention Center but nights will include visits to local attractions, excursions, and dining with local media. More info at
Dying is easy, comedy is hard: Las Vegas is the place to play if you are an entertainer. Over the years venues for comics trying to break in have dwindled. Workshops and comedy clubs are not as plentiful as they once were. Once a comic gets some traction, is still difficult to find venues outside hotel big rooms to try routines and polish material. The Fitzgerald downtown is addressing the issue. Next week Comedy After Hours will showcase some of the country’s top comedic talent. Three cheers for Fitzgerald’s for providing such a venue. It is worth the walk to the second floor – OK, take the elevator if you must. More info at 702.388.2400.
A little blogging music Maestro.... How about Elvis one more time with “Viva Las Vegas.”
Dr. Forgot
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Morning After
The Morning After......
Can you say, “Upstaged?”: Back in my college days comedian Shelley Berman did a bit about waking up with a hangover. It was called, “The Morning After the Night Before. “My tongue is asleep, and my teeth itch,” is part of the classic sketch. That must have been what Senator Clinton felt this morning. Fresh from her biggest victory on the primary trail she had but a few hours to relish it. After holding court with the biggies in preparation of the evening news the big news was a whooping, cheering, hollering pep rally in Grand Rapids Michigan, no less, during which John Edwards pledged his ever-loving support to Senator Obama.
From the Penthouse to the Outhouse: The late Francis Albert Sinatra, Ole Blue Eyes, perhaps said it best in one of his songs when he uttered, “The higher the top, the longer the drop.” After being knocked off her Lady-in-Waiting perch in Iowa she has been struggling to regain traction up the primary tree but she’s had more ups and downs than Otis the elevator man. Up in PA, down in NC, sideways in IN, then Up, Up, and Away in WVA. It was indeed Almost Heaven and the Lady in the Pantsuit perhaps was getting ready to sing after hitting it out of the park. But while she was in the dugout accepting kudos from her team members, Team BAJ (Barry and John) hit a bottom of the ninth grand slam.
Coronation vs. Strategy: The Clinton campaign ran on the gasoline of familiarity. Bill left his house in fiscal order when they vacated, she had been dodging bullets in Bosnia (not), and had a Washington legacy as first lady and NY Senator. The Obama campaign ran on the solar power of hope (not the one in Arkansas) and change. He was an unknown junior senator but his manner and message brought millions to his revival tent to join in his song, “Yes We Can.” Two different approaches delivered for the most part one point of view.
Now What? Who, Who, Who Will Be #2?: Many suggest the Edwards endorsement will mean little in terms of bringing Barack the constituency that has been the Hillary domain – poor uneducated whites and old blue-haired women. Others who disagree believe Edwards endorsement will pry loose the Hillary constituency but only if he runs as veep, thereby ignoring those who would chant, “Go to Hill” and make your second banana a killer tomato.
The Impact of the McCain Factor: Still, the presidential fight will not be run against the Clintons, but against the McCains. No doubt there will be a Reverend vs. Reverend round, an Economic Disaster round, a Talk about Iraq round, a Kick your Gas policy round, and a Race to the Finish round. The things we know for sure about the fight outcome is it will be bloody, it will be hard fought, and there will be no split decision.
A little blogging music Maestro.... Play any college fight song.
Dr. Forgot
Can you say, “Upstaged?”: Back in my college days comedian Shelley Berman did a bit about waking up with a hangover. It was called, “The Morning After the Night Before. “My tongue is asleep, and my teeth itch,” is part of the classic sketch. That must have been what Senator Clinton felt this morning. Fresh from her biggest victory on the primary trail she had but a few hours to relish it. After holding court with the biggies in preparation of the evening news the big news was a whooping, cheering, hollering pep rally in Grand Rapids Michigan, no less, during which John Edwards pledged his ever-loving support to Senator Obama.
From the Penthouse to the Outhouse: The late Francis Albert Sinatra, Ole Blue Eyes, perhaps said it best in one of his songs when he uttered, “The higher the top, the longer the drop.” After being knocked off her Lady-in-Waiting perch in Iowa she has been struggling to regain traction up the primary tree but she’s had more ups and downs than Otis the elevator man. Up in PA, down in NC, sideways in IN, then Up, Up, and Away in WVA. It was indeed Almost Heaven and the Lady in the Pantsuit perhaps was getting ready to sing after hitting it out of the park. But while she was in the dugout accepting kudos from her team members, Team BAJ (Barry and John) hit a bottom of the ninth grand slam.
Coronation vs. Strategy: The Clinton campaign ran on the gasoline of familiarity. Bill left his house in fiscal order when they vacated, she had been dodging bullets in Bosnia (not), and had a Washington legacy as first lady and NY Senator. The Obama campaign ran on the solar power of hope (not the one in Arkansas) and change. He was an unknown junior senator but his manner and message brought millions to his revival tent to join in his song, “Yes We Can.” Two different approaches delivered for the most part one point of view.
Now What? Who, Who, Who Will Be #2?: Many suggest the Edwards endorsement will mean little in terms of bringing Barack the constituency that has been the Hillary domain – poor uneducated whites and old blue-haired women. Others who disagree believe Edwards endorsement will pry loose the Hillary constituency but only if he runs as veep, thereby ignoring those who would chant, “Go to Hill” and make your second banana a killer tomato.
The Impact of the McCain Factor: Still, the presidential fight will not be run against the Clintons, but against the McCains. No doubt there will be a Reverend vs. Reverend round, an Economic Disaster round, a Talk about Iraq round, a Kick your Gas policy round, and a Race to the Finish round. The things we know for sure about the fight outcome is it will be bloody, it will be hard fought, and there will be no split decision.
A little blogging music Maestro.... Play any college fight song.
Dr. Forgot
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Almost Heaven
WVA Obama’s Waterloo or Victory Lane
Clinton Cadre Continues to Crusade: Funny thing about media pundits. They feel that if one side is dominating the other side, they need to make up the difference. Early on in the Democratic campaign Hillary was the anointed one and media pundits chipped in to pillory Hillary at every opportunity. Then the infamous Saturday Night Live skit turned the tables and it was bam-bam Obama. However, the pendulum began to swing back toward the Hill as St. Obie piled up Super Deles. With the win in WVA the Hillary artillery and media pundits are seeking a shotgun marriage for an O’Clinton ticket.
Obama Overtakes Official Ownership: Meanwhile, back at Party Headquarters (which some say acts like hindquarters) Super-delegates have been anything but “faster than a speeding bullet” when making up their minds. The leak in Hillary’s dele-bag bled enough switcheroos to unofficially buoy Barry to become the betrothed brainchild of the party and leave a bitter buttercup behind. But her surrogates strongly hint that she needs to be on the ticket to carry states in the general that she’s carried in the primaries.
A Fatal Attraction? Exactly what would come of a one-two punch if number two wore a pant suit? Would President Obama worry that the residents of the vice president’s cottage at Number One Observatory Circle might change the address to Spyglass Hill? What of the adjustment from “Hail to the Chief” to “Second Laddie?” Or is the Second Time Around simply Just a Dream that is Blowin’ in the Wind? Will the former First Family sing Homeward Bound or Shattered Dreams? It could prove to be a sticky wicket.
Dear Hillary: In the interest of presidential insecurity I will help Senator Obama by ghost-writing his letter to Senator Clinton on the topic of the selection of his running mate:
Dear Senator Clinton:
Let me first congratulate you on your superb run of the presidential primary race. Speaking of race, it is a card that you have played brilliantly. I watched dumfounded in Pennsylvania as you clung to your gun toting background and demonstrated your ability to shoot from the hip. I listened to your speeches in each venue and was amazed at your vast experience. Who knew that you could down a shot and a beer while clinging to your religion by discussing Reverend Wright so often and in such vivid detail. I was moved as your voice broke in New England and fascinated with your drive toward a gas tax holiday despite pushback from every legitimate economist who spoke to the issue. I am happy that you found your voice. I’ve heard that voice loud and clear. It is not a voice I want to hear each morning coming from Number One Observatory Circle. Therefore I have decided to select as my vice president.... your husband, Bill. Just kidding. I’m not sure who it will be at this time but I know who it will not be. Thank you for your lack of support. I remain Sincerely Yours, President-Elect Barack O Yeah!
Dr. Forgot
Clinton Cadre Continues to Crusade: Funny thing about media pundits. They feel that if one side is dominating the other side, they need to make up the difference. Early on in the Democratic campaign Hillary was the anointed one and media pundits chipped in to pillory Hillary at every opportunity. Then the infamous Saturday Night Live skit turned the tables and it was bam-bam Obama. However, the pendulum began to swing back toward the Hill as St. Obie piled up Super Deles. With the win in WVA the Hillary artillery and media pundits are seeking a shotgun marriage for an O’Clinton ticket.
Obama Overtakes Official Ownership: Meanwhile, back at Party Headquarters (which some say acts like hindquarters) Super-delegates have been anything but “faster than a speeding bullet” when making up their minds. The leak in Hillary’s dele-bag bled enough switcheroos to unofficially buoy Barry to become the betrothed brainchild of the party and leave a bitter buttercup behind. But her surrogates strongly hint that she needs to be on the ticket to carry states in the general that she’s carried in the primaries.
A Fatal Attraction? Exactly what would come of a one-two punch if number two wore a pant suit? Would President Obama worry that the residents of the vice president’s cottage at Number One Observatory Circle might change the address to Spyglass Hill? What of the adjustment from “Hail to the Chief” to “Second Laddie?” Or is the Second Time Around simply Just a Dream that is Blowin’ in the Wind? Will the former First Family sing Homeward Bound or Shattered Dreams? It could prove to be a sticky wicket.
Dear Hillary: In the interest of presidential insecurity I will help Senator Obama by ghost-writing his letter to Senator Clinton on the topic of the selection of his running mate:
Dear Senator Clinton:
Let me first congratulate you on your superb run of the presidential primary race. Speaking of race, it is a card that you have played brilliantly. I watched dumfounded in Pennsylvania as you clung to your gun toting background and demonstrated your ability to shoot from the hip. I listened to your speeches in each venue and was amazed at your vast experience. Who knew that you could down a shot and a beer while clinging to your religion by discussing Reverend Wright so often and in such vivid detail. I was moved as your voice broke in New England and fascinated with your drive toward a gas tax holiday despite pushback from every legitimate economist who spoke to the issue. I am happy that you found your voice. I’ve heard that voice loud and clear. It is not a voice I want to hear each morning coming from Number One Observatory Circle. Therefore I have decided to select as my vice president.... your husband, Bill. Just kidding. I’m not sure who it will be at this time but I know who it will not be. Thank you for your lack of support. I remain Sincerely Yours, President-Elect Barack O Yeah!
Dr. Forgot
Monday, May 12, 2008
Love Me, Love My Pet
Reigning Cats and Dogs
Remember back in the late 1800s when we were all growing up? Most households had two parents (What a concept!), a stay-at-home Mom, one car, two and a half kids, a house with a picket fence – never heard of a condo and did not know anybody who lived in an apartment – although some families of limited means rented houses or portions thereof. Most every house had a dog as a family pet. They had names like Pinkie, Poochie, Pippi, Peppy. Or for those of us who weren’t into alliteration, and less were creative, they might be named Blackie, Brownie, Spot, Lassie, or Laddie.
Even our first Readers had a dog named Spot who belonged to Dick and Jane. See Spot run. Run Spot, run. Dogs seemed to follow boys on their adventures more than girls. Girls played with dogs in the house but did not take them to cheerleader or majorette practice. Norman Rockwell painted scenes of “Americana” that included boys and dogs. T.V. shows included dogs who could literally understand their young boy master. “Run home Lassie. Tell Mom I fell in the well.” And the dog did! Oh, not to burst your bubble, but I once did research on Lassie and discovered that “she” was actually a “he.” And that was before we knew the term transgender.
I had a dog while growing up. Actually Pinky did not live with me because my mother would not allow it, so he lived with my grandparents but I considered him my dog. He was a “city dog,” which means he ran in, around, and through traffic and was never run over. He did love to chase cars, though, nipping at their tires. I could never understand what he planned to do if he ever caught one.
All our dogs were mutts. We as a society had not yet been sold the bill of goods about breeding and traits of specific breeds. The dog in the T.V. series “Little Rascals” was mostly a pit bull terrier but never was vicious or bit anybody.
After I married I had a series of dogs – a beagle mix, a poodle/sheepdog mix (I’m sure it was an interesting courtship), a mixed terrier finally a purebred poodle, then the only one that was ever purchased – a something-poo that was supposedly a new mixed breed. But Lacy, although she cost $ 1,000, was certifiably insane and we had to give her away.
During my entire life I had never owned a cat, if a cat can indeed be “owned.” One cold winter morning about 5 years ago while putting up holiday lights we heard a faint “meow” and saw a pure black cat shivering behind a bush. We took it in “until we could find its owner,” and still have it. Cats don’t fetch, don’t come when called, don’t chase cars, don’t do tricks, and if you fall in the well, will not go home to fetch Mom. There is an adage, only too true, “A dog has a master. A cat has a staff.” How true.
A little blogging music Maestro... Today, please play two, Elvis Presley doing “Hound Dog,” and “Year of the Cat” by Al Stewart.
Dr. Forgot
Remember back in the late 1800s when we were all growing up? Most households had two parents (What a concept!), a stay-at-home Mom, one car, two and a half kids, a house with a picket fence – never heard of a condo and did not know anybody who lived in an apartment – although some families of limited means rented houses or portions thereof. Most every house had a dog as a family pet. They had names like Pinkie, Poochie, Pippi, Peppy. Or for those of us who weren’t into alliteration, and less were creative, they might be named Blackie, Brownie, Spot, Lassie, or Laddie.
Even our first Readers had a dog named Spot who belonged to Dick and Jane. See Spot run. Run Spot, run. Dogs seemed to follow boys on their adventures more than girls. Girls played with dogs in the house but did not take them to cheerleader or majorette practice. Norman Rockwell painted scenes of “Americana” that included boys and dogs. T.V. shows included dogs who could literally understand their young boy master. “Run home Lassie. Tell Mom I fell in the well.” And the dog did! Oh, not to burst your bubble, but I once did research on Lassie and discovered that “she” was actually a “he.” And that was before we knew the term transgender.
I had a dog while growing up. Actually Pinky did not live with me because my mother would not allow it, so he lived with my grandparents but I considered him my dog. He was a “city dog,” which means he ran in, around, and through traffic and was never run over. He did love to chase cars, though, nipping at their tires. I could never understand what he planned to do if he ever caught one.
All our dogs were mutts. We as a society had not yet been sold the bill of goods about breeding and traits of specific breeds. The dog in the T.V. series “Little Rascals” was mostly a pit bull terrier but never was vicious or bit anybody.
After I married I had a series of dogs – a beagle mix, a poodle/sheepdog mix (I’m sure it was an interesting courtship), a mixed terrier finally a purebred poodle, then the only one that was ever purchased – a something-poo that was supposedly a new mixed breed. But Lacy, although she cost $ 1,000, was certifiably insane and we had to give her away.
During my entire life I had never owned a cat, if a cat can indeed be “owned.” One cold winter morning about 5 years ago while putting up holiday lights we heard a faint “meow” and saw a pure black cat shivering behind a bush. We took it in “until we could find its owner,” and still have it. Cats don’t fetch, don’t come when called, don’t chase cars, don’t do tricks, and if you fall in the well, will not go home to fetch Mom. There is an adage, only too true, “A dog has a master. A cat has a staff.” How true.
A little blogging music Maestro... Today, please play two, Elvis Presley doing “Hound Dog,” and “Year of the Cat” by Al Stewart.
Dr. Forgot
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers Day
Sign on Pavlov’s house: Knock - Don’t Ring Bell
Today is Mothers Day. We wish a Happy Day to all mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, expectant mothers, adoptive mothers, and anybody else who qualifies even remotely for motherhood. It is too joyous a day to do anything serious so we will take our tongue, place it squarely in our cheek, and write about songs that might be dedicated to famous people or organizations. For example, our first song “Battle of New Orleans” is dedicated to F.E.M.A. “Arkansas Traveler” is dedicated to former president Bill Clinton, “Ballad of a High School Jock” is dedicated to Kobe Bryant who went directly from high school to the NBA.... I’m sure you get the idea.
“Beat the Drum Slowly” is dedicated to all the wannabe presidential candidates who by this time have been eliminated from the race, “Big Rock Candy Mountain” dedicated to all the Hollywood stars busted for drugs. “Black Was the Color of My True Loves Hair,” is dedicated to Elliot Spitzer (that narrows it down to 80% of the women in New York), Bonaparte’s Retreat” is dedicated to the writers and political pundits who have had to spin their bosses words when a gaffe was caught on tape.
“Broken Vows” is a song that we will dedicate to all politicians, but especially that group who campaigned on the platform of single term service, got elected, and are still in office three and four terms later. “Cindy, Oh Cindy,” is dedicated by Senator McCain to his wife. “The Clerk and the Millionaire” also dedicated to John and Cindy McCain from John and Teresa Kerry.
Ok, enough of the semi-serious songs titles, let’s do some of the country song titles and see how they stack up: “All I want from You is Away,” is dedicated from the Obama camp to the Clinton camp. “Billy Broke My Heart At Walgreens and I Cried All the way to Sears,” is dedicated to the blue collar workers in West Virginia, also by the Obama camp. “Drop Kick Me Jesus through the Goalposts of Life,” to Reverend Jeremiah Wright. “Feelin’ Single and Seein’ Double is dedicated to Newt Gingrich.
“Four on the Floor and a Fifth Under the Seat,” is dedicated to New York politician Vito Fossella who was recently busted for drunk driving, phoned his girlfriend for bail, and as a result it was discovered he’d fathered a baby out of wedlock with her three years ago. “Going to Hell in your Heavenly Arms” is also dedicated to Elliot Spitzer. And finally, a song dedicated to all politicians everywhere who claim to start out with a high class campaign and end up slinging mud, “How did you Get So Ugly Overnight?”
A little blogging music Maestro... “Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” by B. J. Thomas.
Dr. Forgot
Today is Mothers Day. We wish a Happy Day to all mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, expectant mothers, adoptive mothers, and anybody else who qualifies even remotely for motherhood. It is too joyous a day to do anything serious so we will take our tongue, place it squarely in our cheek, and write about songs that might be dedicated to famous people or organizations. For example, our first song “Battle of New Orleans” is dedicated to F.E.M.A. “Arkansas Traveler” is dedicated to former president Bill Clinton, “Ballad of a High School Jock” is dedicated to Kobe Bryant who went directly from high school to the NBA.... I’m sure you get the idea.
“Beat the Drum Slowly” is dedicated to all the wannabe presidential candidates who by this time have been eliminated from the race, “Big Rock Candy Mountain” dedicated to all the Hollywood stars busted for drugs. “Black Was the Color of My True Loves Hair,” is dedicated to Elliot Spitzer (that narrows it down to 80% of the women in New York), Bonaparte’s Retreat” is dedicated to the writers and political pundits who have had to spin their bosses words when a gaffe was caught on tape.
“Broken Vows” is a song that we will dedicate to all politicians, but especially that group who campaigned on the platform of single term service, got elected, and are still in office three and four terms later. “Cindy, Oh Cindy,” is dedicated by Senator McCain to his wife. “The Clerk and the Millionaire” also dedicated to John and Cindy McCain from John and Teresa Kerry.
Ok, enough of the semi-serious songs titles, let’s do some of the country song titles and see how they stack up: “All I want from You is Away,” is dedicated from the Obama camp to the Clinton camp. “Billy Broke My Heart At Walgreens and I Cried All the way to Sears,” is dedicated to the blue collar workers in West Virginia, also by the Obama camp. “Drop Kick Me Jesus through the Goalposts of Life,” to Reverend Jeremiah Wright. “Feelin’ Single and Seein’ Double is dedicated to Newt Gingrich.
“Four on the Floor and a Fifth Under the Seat,” is dedicated to New York politician Vito Fossella who was recently busted for drunk driving, phoned his girlfriend for bail, and as a result it was discovered he’d fathered a baby out of wedlock with her three years ago. “Going to Hell in your Heavenly Arms” is also dedicated to Elliot Spitzer. And finally, a song dedicated to all politicians everywhere who claim to start out with a high class campaign and end up slinging mud, “How did you Get So Ugly Overnight?”
A little blogging music Maestro... “Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” by B. J. Thomas.
Dr. Forgot
Friday, May 9, 2008
Good News/Bad News
It’s Nice to be Important but more Important to be Nice
The Campaign Trudges Onward: A couple of characteristics have arisen during this presidential campaign which have shown some stark differences among the three candidates. The Senator from Arizona he presented a grandfatherly persona with a streak of orneriness. But he has at times unleashed vile comments toward his wife, his underlings, and even members of the press. Ok, maybe some of the members of the press deserved it. The Senator from New York has become a chameleon. She found her voice after one primary (after boasting of twelve years of serving her country she didn’t have a voice?), cried in an interview (that was a killer for Geraldine Ferraro but worked for Lady C.), belted down a shot and a beer, picked up her Jed Clampett gun, and made the NASCAR circuit. During that time she continued to squirt her same-party opponent with pepper-spray of vitriol. The Senator from Illinois seems to be running for Sainthood. His approach is to find logic and common ground rather than to wield a sword. While the Arizona senator takes a nap it seems like one or the other candidates has Karl Rove for a campaign manager and the other has Ghandi.
Democracy allows you to vote for who you like the least: One consequence of American Democracy is that each side tars the other side’s candidate with slime and mud. Karl Rove did not invent the technique, though he makes a good target to blame. The Republicans in the name of James Blaine in the 1800s used inflammatory comments alleging that candidate Grover Cleveland had fathered a son out of wedlock. The cry was, “Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa? Gone to the White House, ho, ha, ha.” Cleveland struck back with a lesser known quote, “James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine.” That time the Repbs won the poetry contest but the Dems won the election.
Those Texans Do Everything Big: A Kentuckian was boasting to a Texan that there was enough gold in Fort Knox to build a fence around the entire state of Texas three feet high. The Texan responded, “Y’all go ahead and build yer fence and if we like it we’ll buy it.” The sinkhole in Texas is now over 250 feet deep and more than three football fields long! Maybe the entire state of Texas will sink in, or maybe it will swallow the polygamy compound. Things are big in Texas. But as the Alaskans were so proud of saying when they achieved statehood, “Little old Texas, we still love ya.”
From the Outhouse to the Penthouse: Carl Hunter was a good old boy but had been down on his luck since Katrina hit his home town. A construction worker, he lost his two-home investment to the floodwaters. He was busted, disgusted, his bank account encrusted. His wife asked him to run to the local convenience store for a quart of overpriced milk. He did and used the change to buy a Powerball lottery ticket. Good decision. Kaching! The ticket was worth $ 97 million. I just love happy endings.
A little blogging music Maestro... “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins.
Dr. Forgot
The Campaign Trudges Onward: A couple of characteristics have arisen during this presidential campaign which have shown some stark differences among the three candidates. The Senator from Arizona he presented a grandfatherly persona with a streak of orneriness. But he has at times unleashed vile comments toward his wife, his underlings, and even members of the press. Ok, maybe some of the members of the press deserved it. The Senator from New York has become a chameleon. She found her voice after one primary (after boasting of twelve years of serving her country she didn’t have a voice?), cried in an interview (that was a killer for Geraldine Ferraro but worked for Lady C.), belted down a shot and a beer, picked up her Jed Clampett gun, and made the NASCAR circuit. During that time she continued to squirt her same-party opponent with pepper-spray of vitriol. The Senator from Illinois seems to be running for Sainthood. His approach is to find logic and common ground rather than to wield a sword. While the Arizona senator takes a nap it seems like one or the other candidates has Karl Rove for a campaign manager and the other has Ghandi.
Democracy allows you to vote for who you like the least: One consequence of American Democracy is that each side tars the other side’s candidate with slime and mud. Karl Rove did not invent the technique, though he makes a good target to blame. The Republicans in the name of James Blaine in the 1800s used inflammatory comments alleging that candidate Grover Cleveland had fathered a son out of wedlock. The cry was, “Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa? Gone to the White House, ho, ha, ha.” Cleveland struck back with a lesser known quote, “James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine.” That time the Repbs won the poetry contest but the Dems won the election.
Those Texans Do Everything Big: A Kentuckian was boasting to a Texan that there was enough gold in Fort Knox to build a fence around the entire state of Texas three feet high. The Texan responded, “Y’all go ahead and build yer fence and if we like it we’ll buy it.” The sinkhole in Texas is now over 250 feet deep and more than three football fields long! Maybe the entire state of Texas will sink in, or maybe it will swallow the polygamy compound. Things are big in Texas. But as the Alaskans were so proud of saying when they achieved statehood, “Little old Texas, we still love ya.”
From the Outhouse to the Penthouse: Carl Hunter was a good old boy but had been down on his luck since Katrina hit his home town. A construction worker, he lost his two-home investment to the floodwaters. He was busted, disgusted, his bank account encrusted. His wife asked him to run to the local convenience store for a quart of overpriced milk. He did and used the change to buy a Powerball lottery ticket. Good decision. Kaching! The ticket was worth $ 97 million. I just love happy endings.
A little blogging music Maestro... “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins.
Dr. Forgot
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Hillobama Follies Continue
Prayer travels via knee-mail
Bruised, Battered and Begging for Bread: This time last year the Democrats were walking through (yawn) the candidate selection process before the coronation of the Queen of the Hill. Governor Richardson of New Mexico (some asked, “Don’t you have to be American to run?”), Dennis Kuku-Kucinich, Joe Bye-bye Biden, John “ya-all” Edwards, and a host of others made symbolic appearances, but everybody knew the Hillary-Billaries were destined to return to their old home at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. What a difference a year makes. Hillary’s “victory” speech in Indiana was a plea for donations to offset the Clinton piggy bank that she pilfered to the tune of $ 10 million plus.
How could it come to this? Senator Obama accuses Hillary of being part of the same old Washington good old boy, uh, person, network. Maybe, maybe not, but she sure seemed to take her Primary strategy from the George W. Bush Iraq playbook. She underestimated her enemy, had poor planning, declared “Mission Accomplished” multiple times when the campaign was not even close to being over, and clearly has no exit strategy. She even knocked off the patented “Yes We Can” slogan from the Obama camp and changed it to “Yes We Will.” We aren’t sure if she let her “second” in command, namely Bill, talk her into the run or if it is something she’d planned despite her denials over the past eight years.
Three Miles Away From Victory: The Vice President’s residence is located three miles from the White House. Could Barack be talked into bringing Hillary onto his ticket then plan to isolate her on the Three Mile (from the W.H.) Island? Will President Obama apply for a Restraining Order to keep Bill away from the Big House and its interns? Will Chelsea be rewarded for her campaigning with a wedding at “Number One Observatory Circle,” the official address of VEEP-ville? Possibilities are endless.
Let’s Consider the Possibilities: The United States of America will have a new president after next fall’s election, of that you can be sure. Question is, will the new president be one who leaves the toilet seat up or down? Will the end of each workday find the president brushing with Pepsodent or soaking in Polident? Will breakfast include pineapples and coconuts or grits and cornbread? Will the Oval Office be decorated with Orchids and leis of tuberoses or prickley pears and barrel cactus? Will we be governed by the exuberance of youth, Mother Earth, or Father Time? Finally, regarding the attire of the new president, no matter who wins the uniform of the day will be a pant suit.
Oh, those Wacky Floridians: From the state that brought you the hanging chad, rules breaking that cost their delegates convention seating, a sexy biker teacher who had sex with her students, and another who was busted three times for sex with students on more than 20 occasions. The latest story is of the science teacher who had kids in a trance with a magic trick that had a toothpick disappear and reappear. He was fired for wizardry! Holy Harry Potter!
A little blogging music Maestro... an oldie by the Platters, “Could This be Magic?”
Dr. Forgot
Bruised, Battered and Begging for Bread: This time last year the Democrats were walking through (yawn) the candidate selection process before the coronation of the Queen of the Hill. Governor Richardson of New Mexico (some asked, “Don’t you have to be American to run?”), Dennis Kuku-Kucinich, Joe Bye-bye Biden, John “ya-all” Edwards, and a host of others made symbolic appearances, but everybody knew the Hillary-Billaries were destined to return to their old home at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. What a difference a year makes. Hillary’s “victory” speech in Indiana was a plea for donations to offset the Clinton piggy bank that she pilfered to the tune of $ 10 million plus.
How could it come to this? Senator Obama accuses Hillary of being part of the same old Washington good old boy, uh, person, network. Maybe, maybe not, but she sure seemed to take her Primary strategy from the George W. Bush Iraq playbook. She underestimated her enemy, had poor planning, declared “Mission Accomplished” multiple times when the campaign was not even close to being over, and clearly has no exit strategy. She even knocked off the patented “Yes We Can” slogan from the Obama camp and changed it to “Yes We Will.” We aren’t sure if she let her “second” in command, namely Bill, talk her into the run or if it is something she’d planned despite her denials over the past eight years.
Three Miles Away From Victory: The Vice President’s residence is located three miles from the White House. Could Barack be talked into bringing Hillary onto his ticket then plan to isolate her on the Three Mile (from the W.H.) Island? Will President Obama apply for a Restraining Order to keep Bill away from the Big House and its interns? Will Chelsea be rewarded for her campaigning with a wedding at “Number One Observatory Circle,” the official address of VEEP-ville? Possibilities are endless.
Let’s Consider the Possibilities: The United States of America will have a new president after next fall’s election, of that you can be sure. Question is, will the new president be one who leaves the toilet seat up or down? Will the end of each workday find the president brushing with Pepsodent or soaking in Polident? Will breakfast include pineapples and coconuts or grits and cornbread? Will the Oval Office be decorated with Orchids and leis of tuberoses or prickley pears and barrel cactus? Will we be governed by the exuberance of youth, Mother Earth, or Father Time? Finally, regarding the attire of the new president, no matter who wins the uniform of the day will be a pant suit.
Oh, those Wacky Floridians: From the state that brought you the hanging chad, rules breaking that cost their delegates convention seating, a sexy biker teacher who had sex with her students, and another who was busted three times for sex with students on more than 20 occasions. The latest story is of the science teacher who had kids in a trance with a magic trick that had a toothpick disappear and reappear. He was fired for wizardry! Holy Harry Potter!
A little blogging music Maestro... an oldie by the Platters, “Could This be Magic?”
Dr. Forgot
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Election Day Tuesday Revisited
Despite the High Cost of Living, It Remains Popular
Let the Games Begin: Some might say the games that have been played out for months on the political stage are about over. The Hillary, Billary, Chellary team has competed valiantly say the pundits but it is time to put the White House lust to bed. No pun intended, Bill. But others say the games are just beginning. Consider the possibilities some pundits are putting forth, and we just could not resist considering with other possibilities.
Hillary as Vice President? Bill as President of Vice? Assuming that last night’s victory in Upper Carolina and his virtual victory in another of the three “I” states, Ba-Rocky appears to have earned a TKO in round 17 of the 21 round match. Dozens of pundits have written the obituary for the Hill-climbing Hillary’s Run for the Rose Garden. Others have suggested that she still has a chance to reach Pennsylvania Avenue as the VEEP. To her credit as a campaigner, Senator C. could stand for Chameleon based on the number of times she’s re-invented herself during the run. Is her camp ready to spin a new chant of, “We’re #2?”
Three Miles Away From Victory: The Vice President’s residence is located three miles from the White House. Could Barack be talked into bringing Hillary onto his ticket then plan to isolate her on the Three Mile (from the W.H.) Island? Will President Obama apply for a Restraining Order to keep Bill away from the Big House and its interns? Will Chelsea be rewarded for her campaigning with a wedding at “Number One Observatory Circle,” the official address of VEEP-ville? Possibilities are endless.
It’s The Economy, Stupid: During Hillary’s run as the nomination nemesis she has been able to reinvent herself for each state. In Pennsylvania her Annie Oakley persona was outdone only by her shot-and-a-beer efforts at a local bar. She changed roles so often that when she played the pauper it stuck. The Clinton campaign is reportedly hemorrhaging money. Her Indiana “Victory” speech was a plea for funds. The alleged $ 10 million in donations after her PA victory have yet to be established and it appears she stripped Chelsea’s inheritance to loan herself huge chunks of cash. Perhaps this is a way of yet reinventing herself as an average American up to her pant-suited hips in debt.
Louisiana Purchase or Seward’s Folly? The Louisiana Purchase was booed as excessively expensive. The purchase of Alaska was reviled by the public when Secretary of State William Seward purchased the icebox. Both turned out to be good deals. Some pundits believe that Senator Clinton will sell her constituency of old white women to Senator Obama’s large purse for the price of her war debt and the number two seat a heartbeat away from the presidency. Will he accept? Stay tuned.
A little blogging music Maestro... Abba’s “Winner Takes it All.”
Dr. Forgot
Let the Games Begin: Some might say the games that have been played out for months on the political stage are about over. The Hillary, Billary, Chellary team has competed valiantly say the pundits but it is time to put the White House lust to bed. No pun intended, Bill. But others say the games are just beginning. Consider the possibilities some pundits are putting forth, and we just could not resist considering with other possibilities.
Hillary as Vice President? Bill as President of Vice? Assuming that last night’s victory in Upper Carolina and his virtual victory in another of the three “I” states, Ba-Rocky appears to have earned a TKO in round 17 of the 21 round match. Dozens of pundits have written the obituary for the Hill-climbing Hillary’s Run for the Rose Garden. Others have suggested that she still has a chance to reach Pennsylvania Avenue as the VEEP. To her credit as a campaigner, Senator C. could stand for Chameleon based on the number of times she’s re-invented herself during the run. Is her camp ready to spin a new chant of, “We’re #2?”
Three Miles Away From Victory: The Vice President’s residence is located three miles from the White House. Could Barack be talked into bringing Hillary onto his ticket then plan to isolate her on the Three Mile (from the W.H.) Island? Will President Obama apply for a Restraining Order to keep Bill away from the Big House and its interns? Will Chelsea be rewarded for her campaigning with a wedding at “Number One Observatory Circle,” the official address of VEEP-ville? Possibilities are endless.
It’s The Economy, Stupid: During Hillary’s run as the nomination nemesis she has been able to reinvent herself for each state. In Pennsylvania her Annie Oakley persona was outdone only by her shot-and-a-beer efforts at a local bar. She changed roles so often that when she played the pauper it stuck. The Clinton campaign is reportedly hemorrhaging money. Her Indiana “Victory” speech was a plea for funds. The alleged $ 10 million in donations after her PA victory have yet to be established and it appears she stripped Chelsea’s inheritance to loan herself huge chunks of cash. Perhaps this is a way of yet reinventing herself as an average American up to her pant-suited hips in debt.
Louisiana Purchase or Seward’s Folly? The Louisiana Purchase was booed as excessively expensive. The purchase of Alaska was reviled by the public when Secretary of State William Seward purchased the icebox. Both turned out to be good deals. Some pundits believe that Senator Clinton will sell her constituency of old white women to Senator Obama’s large purse for the price of her war debt and the number two seat a heartbeat away from the presidency. Will he accept? Stay tuned.
A little blogging music Maestro... Abba’s “Winner Takes it All.”
Dr. Forgot
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Election Day Tuesday
Better a Diamond With a Flaw Than a Pebble Without
“I’m not perfect. You know that by now.” Such were the words of Senator Obama in his speech to the North Carolina delegation as he stood before them with a double digit lead over Senator Clinton. What should have been a one day story about a rogue preacher was turned into a several week story by the media. Senator Clinton pursued the issue with the fervor of an attack dog losing a fight. And she did – lose the fight that is, particularly on this day.
Bill knows campaigning: Former President Bill Clinton has been in many fights during his political career, losing a few and winning many. He’s learned all the tricks needed to win an election: define your opponent, move the goalposts, smear your opponent, pander with ghost issues, and pound the pavement. He’s helped his wife’s campaign do all of those, especially pounding the pavement in North Carolina. He visited every little village and used every bit of charm on his wife’s behalf, but Senator Obama won with a double digit victory (at this writing the difference is about 15%).
Don’t forget Indiana: In a state that tossed out its beloved coach Bobby Knight, Senator Clinton’s camp was predicting a clear victory. And clearly it appeared that she would trounce Senator Obama with early returns showing her ahead by up to 30 points. As the night grew darker and votes continued to roll in the lead continued to shrink; 25% then 20%, 15% 10% and then the lead slipped below double digits. With less than 80% of the votes in the lead dropped to 3% then hovered around 4% where it stands at this writing. For some reason the greater Chicago area of Indiana has not reported so it is possible that the lead may shrink further or even disappear.
Obama Sounding Presidential in N. Carolina: Most pundits who listened to the Obama victory speech in North Carolina seem to agree that the nomination monkey is off his back and his comments made him sound more like a presidential candidate than one who is trying to wrap up the nomination. But don’t count the Clinton’s out. They know how to campaign and garner support. Whether tactics include tossing out more ghost issues, rules changes, or negative advertising (does anybody really think President Obama would not answer the White House phone at 3 a.m.?), this game is not over.
Other News – Far Out, Dude: The Del Mar Racetrack advertises its location as, “Where the Surf meets the Turf.” Twenty miles south of Del Mar is San Diego State University, that laid back school where Joe Cool attends in shorts and shades. No wonder the student body seems so mellow. 100 folks including a Criminal Justice major and a Homeland Security major were busted for more than a couple of lids of cannabis sativa (otherwise known as “wacky tobaccy”). Three quarters of the bustees were students. Among items confiscated were several kilos of cocaine and several guns. They shoot sharks, don’t they?
A little blogging music Maestro... Afroman’s “Because I got High.”
Dr. Forgot
“I’m not perfect. You know that by now.” Such were the words of Senator Obama in his speech to the North Carolina delegation as he stood before them with a double digit lead over Senator Clinton. What should have been a one day story about a rogue preacher was turned into a several week story by the media. Senator Clinton pursued the issue with the fervor of an attack dog losing a fight. And she did – lose the fight that is, particularly on this day.
Bill knows campaigning: Former President Bill Clinton has been in many fights during his political career, losing a few and winning many. He’s learned all the tricks needed to win an election: define your opponent, move the goalposts, smear your opponent, pander with ghost issues, and pound the pavement. He’s helped his wife’s campaign do all of those, especially pounding the pavement in North Carolina. He visited every little village and used every bit of charm on his wife’s behalf, but Senator Obama won with a double digit victory (at this writing the difference is about 15%).
Don’t forget Indiana: In a state that tossed out its beloved coach Bobby Knight, Senator Clinton’s camp was predicting a clear victory. And clearly it appeared that she would trounce Senator Obama with early returns showing her ahead by up to 30 points. As the night grew darker and votes continued to roll in the lead continued to shrink; 25% then 20%, 15% 10% and then the lead slipped below double digits. With less than 80% of the votes in the lead dropped to 3% then hovered around 4% where it stands at this writing. For some reason the greater Chicago area of Indiana has not reported so it is possible that the lead may shrink further or even disappear.
Obama Sounding Presidential in N. Carolina: Most pundits who listened to the Obama victory speech in North Carolina seem to agree that the nomination monkey is off his back and his comments made him sound more like a presidential candidate than one who is trying to wrap up the nomination. But don’t count the Clinton’s out. They know how to campaign and garner support. Whether tactics include tossing out more ghost issues, rules changes, or negative advertising (does anybody really think President Obama would not answer the White House phone at 3 a.m.?), this game is not over.
Other News – Far Out, Dude: The Del Mar Racetrack advertises its location as, “Where the Surf meets the Turf.” Twenty miles south of Del Mar is San Diego State University, that laid back school where Joe Cool attends in shorts and shades. No wonder the student body seems so mellow. 100 folks including a Criminal Justice major and a Homeland Security major were busted for more than a couple of lids of cannabis sativa (otherwise known as “wacky tobaccy”). Three quarters of the bustees were students. Among items confiscated were several kilos of cocaine and several guns. They shoot sharks, don’t they?
A little blogging music Maestro... Afroman’s “Because I got High.”
Dr. Forgot
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Las Vegas Happenings
Las Vegas Weekend
Las Vegas is the only town where the cabbies tell you where to go. So this weekend I’ll be the cabbie and let you know about some of the upcoming activities in the Valley of the Dollars.
Las Vegas Uncork’d: Next week Bon Appetit magazine meets Bellagio, Caesars Palace, Hard Rock Hotel, and Wynn Las Vegas hook up for a week of pure unadulterated (burp) Vegas fare. Co-chairs for the festivities include chef Wolfgang Puck and Bon Appetit Editor-in-Chief Barbara Fairchild. Highlights of the event will include A Tale of Five Chefs Gala, brunch and cocktail smack down, the Grand Tasting, and Masters vs. Pro-Am cooking competition. More info at
Burgers and other fine cuisine: LBS, and American classic burger joint will soon join the other fine restaurants at Red Rock Casino and Resort. A planned opening this fall will feature the finest, freshest ingredients and a 101 seat restaurant with more than 40 microbrews. Local restaurateur Billy Richardson will again perform his magic. We’ll be licking our chops for this one to open. More info at
The Higher the Top the Longer the Drop: Everybody loves records as the Guinness Record Book people have discovered. Another entry will be attempted as Jean Philippe Patisserie in Bellagio has submitted measurements of their chocolate fountain as the World’s Tallest Chocolate Fountain. The floor-to-ceiling fountain is 27 feet tall and circulates two tons of chocolate at 120 quarts per minute. The fountain is real and outdoes the fictional Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. More info at
Hand Over Your Chocolate and Nobody Will Get Hurt: A good way to wile away your time while thinking of chocolate is to watch the Payard Chocolate Clock at Caesars Palace. The 13-foot high timepiece displays nine different time zones and dispenses free truffles. The clock mechanisms create the six-step process in making chocolates and truffles. More info at
Las Vegas; The Meadows: Las Vegas was named for a desert oasis. Today that oasis appropriately on the grounds of the Las Vegas Valley Water District called the Springs Preserve, a 180 acre cultural and historical attraction. The ambiance of the Springs Preserve is something that might just as easily be found in Idaho or Iowa or Kansas. Every Thursday night in the Springs Cafe on the property, concerts are available sponsored by restaurateur Wolfgang Puck and a special Farmers Market will show local produce, fruits and vegetables as well as arts and crafts. More info at
Quit Draggin’ your Dragon: Mandalay Bay includes a Shark Reef Aquarium but do not worry about getting eaten. It is a great display that will soon include a rare Komodo Dragon on display. The huge lizard, which can grow to 200 lbs. will be among the 2,000 other animals in the Reef and could be the meanest as it has no known predators. The Shark Reef is the only aquarium of its kind in North America. More info at
A little blogging music Maestro... I can hear the strains of Elvis singing “Viva Las Vegas.”
Dr. Forgot
Las Vegas is the only town where the cabbies tell you where to go. So this weekend I’ll be the cabbie and let you know about some of the upcoming activities in the Valley of the Dollars.
Las Vegas Uncork’d: Next week Bon Appetit magazine meets Bellagio, Caesars Palace, Hard Rock Hotel, and Wynn Las Vegas hook up for a week of pure unadulterated (burp) Vegas fare. Co-chairs for the festivities include chef Wolfgang Puck and Bon Appetit Editor-in-Chief Barbara Fairchild. Highlights of the event will include A Tale of Five Chefs Gala, brunch and cocktail smack down, the Grand Tasting, and Masters vs. Pro-Am cooking competition. More info at
Burgers and other fine cuisine: LBS, and American classic burger joint will soon join the other fine restaurants at Red Rock Casino and Resort. A planned opening this fall will feature the finest, freshest ingredients and a 101 seat restaurant with more than 40 microbrews. Local restaurateur Billy Richardson will again perform his magic. We’ll be licking our chops for this one to open. More info at
The Higher the Top the Longer the Drop: Everybody loves records as the Guinness Record Book people have discovered. Another entry will be attempted as Jean Philippe Patisserie in Bellagio has submitted measurements of their chocolate fountain as the World’s Tallest Chocolate Fountain. The floor-to-ceiling fountain is 27 feet tall and circulates two tons of chocolate at 120 quarts per minute. The fountain is real and outdoes the fictional Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. More info at
Hand Over Your Chocolate and Nobody Will Get Hurt: A good way to wile away your time while thinking of chocolate is to watch the Payard Chocolate Clock at Caesars Palace. The 13-foot high timepiece displays nine different time zones and dispenses free truffles. The clock mechanisms create the six-step process in making chocolates and truffles. More info at
Las Vegas; The Meadows: Las Vegas was named for a desert oasis. Today that oasis appropriately on the grounds of the Las Vegas Valley Water District called the Springs Preserve, a 180 acre cultural and historical attraction. The ambiance of the Springs Preserve is something that might just as easily be found in Idaho or Iowa or Kansas. Every Thursday night in the Springs Cafe on the property, concerts are available sponsored by restaurateur Wolfgang Puck and a special Farmers Market will show local produce, fruits and vegetables as well as arts and crafts. More info at
Quit Draggin’ your Dragon: Mandalay Bay includes a Shark Reef Aquarium but do not worry about getting eaten. It is a great display that will soon include a rare Komodo Dragon on display. The huge lizard, which can grow to 200 lbs. will be among the 2,000 other animals in the Reef and could be the meanest as it has no known predators. The Shark Reef is the only aquarium of its kind in North America. More info at
A little blogging music Maestro... I can hear the strains of Elvis singing “Viva Las Vegas.”
Dr. Forgot
Friday, May 2, 2008
Friday's Follies
Bacteria is the only culture some people have
The Presidential Dream Ticket Has Been Determined: That dream ticket that has been discussed by pundits during the nomination process has finally been identified. You heard it here first. Senator Obama came on strong. He is intelligent, charismatic, honorable, forthright, and deeply spiritual. Those qualities apparently make him a poor choice. The American public does not want a leader with such qualities. The current administration has proven that. Bumbling, stumbling, and hacking up the English language works. Power Uncle behind the throne gets it. Arrogance is a winner. But our new dream ticket has another set of gifts: arrogance for sure, pomposity, a sprinkle of mean, slanting and outright lying, unfair and imbalanced. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Independent dream ticket: Clinton and O’Reilly.
Dang Me, Dang Me, I think I’ll take a rope and hang me: Hollywood Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey had the goods on at least two politicos. It ended both their careers. She refused to discuss who else might be listed in her little black book. She was found hanging in a shed behind her mother’s house, apparently a suicide victim. But could it have been a hit staged to look like suicide? Problem with that theory is that her customers seem to be from the party that loves conspiracy theories. No mud to throw on the other guys so we could have heard the last of this one. Or not.
She Stooped to Conquer: Hard to imagine Granny as a swinger. Although she’s no Monica Lewinsky or Gennifer Flowers, Barbara Walters admitted to Oprah that she was the other woman for several years. She, a young reporter on the make, so to speak, became the concubine of he, Senator Edward Brooke, a Republican from Massachusetts and the first African American to be popularly elected to the Senate. Walters claimed she was “infatuated.” Does the affair compare with the peccadilloes of a former president? Close, but no cigar.
Must Be All that Florida Sunshine: Rote learning is defined as doing a task over and over until it is mastered. An example is memorizing one’s times tables. Stephanie Ragusa, a 28-year-old middle school math teacher in Tampa, Florida apparently subscribes to using the rote method. She was arrested for the third time for having sex with a student. She allegedly had sex with one of the teen victims at least 20 times. He must have been a slow learner. The Hillsborough School District in Tampa is the same one that had a previous teacher-student sex scandal with blond bombshell Debra LaFave. Wonder if there is prayer in that district’s schools.
A little blogging music Maestro... Frank Sinatra singing, “Teacher’s Pet.”
Dr. Forgot
The Presidential Dream Ticket Has Been Determined: That dream ticket that has been discussed by pundits during the nomination process has finally been identified. You heard it here first. Senator Obama came on strong. He is intelligent, charismatic, honorable, forthright, and deeply spiritual. Those qualities apparently make him a poor choice. The American public does not want a leader with such qualities. The current administration has proven that. Bumbling, stumbling, and hacking up the English language works. Power Uncle behind the throne gets it. Arrogance is a winner. But our new dream ticket has another set of gifts: arrogance for sure, pomposity, a sprinkle of mean, slanting and outright lying, unfair and imbalanced. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Independent dream ticket: Clinton and O’Reilly.
Dang Me, Dang Me, I think I’ll take a rope and hang me: Hollywood Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey had the goods on at least two politicos. It ended both their careers. She refused to discuss who else might be listed in her little black book. She was found hanging in a shed behind her mother’s house, apparently a suicide victim. But could it have been a hit staged to look like suicide? Problem with that theory is that her customers seem to be from the party that loves conspiracy theories. No mud to throw on the other guys so we could have heard the last of this one. Or not.
She Stooped to Conquer: Hard to imagine Granny as a swinger. Although she’s no Monica Lewinsky or Gennifer Flowers, Barbara Walters admitted to Oprah that she was the other woman for several years. She, a young reporter on the make, so to speak, became the concubine of he, Senator Edward Brooke, a Republican from Massachusetts and the first African American to be popularly elected to the Senate. Walters claimed she was “infatuated.” Does the affair compare with the peccadilloes of a former president? Close, but no cigar.
Must Be All that Florida Sunshine: Rote learning is defined as doing a task over and over until it is mastered. An example is memorizing one’s times tables. Stephanie Ragusa, a 28-year-old middle school math teacher in Tampa, Florida apparently subscribes to using the rote method. She was arrested for the third time for having sex with a student. She allegedly had sex with one of the teen victims at least 20 times. He must have been a slow learner. The Hillsborough School District in Tampa is the same one that had a previous teacher-student sex scandal with blond bombshell Debra LaFave. Wonder if there is prayer in that district’s schools.
A little blogging music Maestro... Frank Sinatra singing, “Teacher’s Pet.”
Dr. Forgot
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